A Month of Mick (#4) – ‘The Bling’ Part 2

This is a follow-up from our second instalment on “A month of Mick” , where we were taking a look at Mick’s jewelry.

It appears that in February 2008, the question about the significance of the ring was asked to Alex and he himself gave an answer to it…….


As you can see the ring was chosen even before the first unscreened pilot was made.

  Thank you to ‘Ontlls’ for finding this interview from February 2008 on a Moonlight Fan Blog  (click on the link for the full interview that Moonlight Detective did with Alex).

Here is the excerpt of the specific answer Alex gave about the ring:


ML-D: So I wanted to ask you about that. Do you know what the significance of the ring is?


Alex O’Loughlin: It’s the first thing I chose for Mick, for that character, and I chose that for him when we showed the pilot that didn’t air; the pilot with the original cast.

It was, I wanted him to have a piece of jewelry that we could attach a time line to; that we could attach a storyline to, and that could be a piece of jewelry that was… cuz he’s quite a modern character, you know, I mean, he doesn’t dress in long velvet capes and… You know, I mean, he wears … he fits into contemporary society.

He looks like any guy, you know? And I wanted him to have one piece one something that was from another time.


ML-D: Kind of a throwback?


Alex O’Loughlin: Yeah, and I know that he’s only, kind of, 90 years old himself, but you know, that ring comes from maybe when he went to Europe one time and he had an association with a six or seven hundred year old vampire and had a love affair with, or, you know, maybe he went to Prague, but it’s definitely from another time and it’s from another place and there’s a definite storyline attached to it that we haven’t sort of released yet and so hopefully you know…

But it’s such a beautiful peace that I was looking for – I said, “I want him to have a ring,” and the guys were saying, like, the producers were asking me what I thought and I said, “Well, I don’t know.”

And we were looking at the French symbols and we were looking at talking about the French origin of vampires and stuff which we start bringing into [episode 12] as well, and they brought in, you know, hundreds of different rings and I found that one, and I was like, “That’s the one! That’s the one I want.”

And the producers were like, “No, no, no, it’s not right. It’s too…” And I was like – I really fought for it and I was like, “No, it’ll be good because…” And I sort of sold it, and it doesn’t actually have any religious iconography, or any fleur de lis, or anything specific on it.

It’s just kind of got cool flower patterns, and there is a cross with diamonds, but it’s not like a crucifix, and so it’s… and it’s got that beautiful moonstone underneath, and so, yeah, it’s just a piece of jewelry that Mick wears on his right index finger, which is kind of unconventional as well. It’s not really a finger I associate ring wearing with, but I liked it, that’s different.


ML-D: It’s a pretty spectacular piece, and it sounds like you put a lot of thought into it. I do hope we get to see a storyline attached to it.


Alex O’Loughlin: Yeah, me too.


To me it looks like choosing the ring was a big part of Alex himself, getting into the character of Mick. Choosing what he wanted Mick St John to be. He was getting himself immersed into the role, thinking of small detail to colour in the bigger picture. We are glad that the ring together with Alex, made the cut after nearly everything else from the original pilot was dropped. 🙂

If anybody should ever wonder why we follow this man’s career, these words from him says it all!

Whether I was working on a building site or auditioning or moving to the US, I’ve always done it with all of my heart. I don’t know how to do it any other way.

– Alex O’Loughlin, GQ Australia, November 2011


Filed under Beauty perfected, Mick wants to kiss you gently with his fangs.

28 responses to “A Month of Mick (#4) – ‘The Bling’ Part 2

  1. marnov2205

    Thanks Ontlls for the find and FOYeur for posting it!! An interesting read. And inspiring, too, like the man himself. Also, I squirted soda all over my keyboard when I read the bit about Prague – where the h3ll was I when the s3xy vampire was visiting my country?! LOL


    • I think Alex has told that he visited Eastern Europe when he was younger, wanted to see the world, I immediately thought of a young aussie humping through those pretty girls on his visit 😉


      • AlexNymph

        In one tv interview he mentioned going on a dinner date in Eastern Europe and neither of them spoke the other’s language. They mimicked (like charades) to each other while they ate.

        Not sure if they needed to mimic after dinner 🙂


        • marnov2205

          Dinner date?! Ha! I can’t believe my poor luck. On a happier note, what you say is hilarious 😀 ! I’m sure the girl taught him all about her tongue after dinner. I mean, her language.


          • AlexNymph

            Hahaha! So does the Aussie accent do it for you like it does for us Americans? I mean “instant panty poof”?


            • marnov2205

              To be honest, I find the Aussie accent both somewhat incomprehensible and slightly funny (but in a good way!), but luckily, general s3xiness is a universal language!! 😀


            • Ontlls

              All that man has to say is “Good day” and I am a puddle of goo


              • AlexNymph


                He finds Scottish funny–said the first time he heard a Scottish accent when he was a kid, he laughed.


        • That girl sure got a wonderful treat, watching Alex´s faces do the pantomime 😀
          Meanwhile I am so frustrated when foreigners don´t speak English at all. Just last week encountered non-English speaking guys and they didn´t know the word alcohol! I kept offering beer or water and even soda 🙂 And how about saying Vodka, isn´t that a universal word too…*sigh*…


  2. Anwyn

    I can imagine that there was quite a bit of humping those days…


    • tanja

      Hahaha, I guess so, Anwyn. Read somewhere that his pick up line was something along the lines of; “Hi, would you like to sleep with me one time?” With the face like that and a body to match, who could resist? But, I wonder how many times he got slapped in the face!


  3. Wow, great find. So that’s interesting that it had nothing to do with Coraline after all. There’s so much we never got to find out about our favorite vamp… Kind of sad. 😦


  4. gracenotpark

    I love that Alex took the ring choice so personally, and I love that the audience reaction to the ring validated his choice. Sometimes the Suits listen. 😉


  5. lunaterra12

    My panties poofed from knowing he picked the ring.


  6. canadagirl66

    Great find is right….thank you!! Its just another example of the passion this man has for everything he does. You’re right FOYeur…it is one of the reasons why I am so CRAZY about him!
    That ring is very beautiful..as it should be to adorn such a beautiful man. Thanks for the close up….that stone is very cool. I never realized that it was in the ring. I guess I was too distracted by the vamp that wore it to notice.


    • The ring is beautiful. I also did not know what it really looked like. Paula did a great job in finding the beautiful picture of the ring! 🙂


    • AlexNymph

      I had no clue about the stone either, or about the diamonds. Maybe it was the moonstone that sold him on it–rather mystical.


  7. Marta

    Thanks Foyeur for this post. It’s great witness once more about Alex’s dedication and detail in creating and development the character. And it was he to respond and explain the story of the ring is awsome.


  8. This is a wonderful post. Thanks so much FOYeur!


  9. SeixoLady

    I’d never noticed the ring! Now, poor me has got to go and re-watch more closely…


  10. I love the ring…and really good to find out more about it.
    That last gif! OMG that gladdens my whumpy soul no end.


  11. Does anyone remember which episode that gif was taken from please?
    I want a quick re-watch. 🙂


  12. Helloeeze

    You can still buy those rings on eBay, but they are 150 bucks. I wish I could get the necklace. I never did and now the designer doesn’t have anymore. I just don’t know what I’d do with the ring though…and for that price.


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