Tag Archives: Scott Caan

Yey! New, goofy #AlexOloughlin strikes again :D

Thanks to @SurfBelle2 on twitter for sharing the pics, which took us to IG user @frenchietheexplorer and found even a goofy Alex mini clip. Alex being his usual hilarious self 😀 Appears the video and pics were already shared 1-2 weeks ago, but been “hidden”, with no proper tags alerting fans. Lucky for us, they weren´t lost forever!

(I wonder which one is her favorite, hmmmm? *wink* )

You can view the mini video here 


PS. I swapped the video gif, cause it was shot from a mirror, now it faces us the right way.
Thank you @frenchietheexplorer for sharing this fun ♥


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin, Hawaii Five-0

507 – left overs

I never got these posted. Took me ages to get past the shirtless wet Steve. Actually, I´m still not completely done with those. Too yummy to forget 🙂 Anyway, here´s the 5.07 left overs.

Anyone scared of what a let down 5.08 will be 😉 I mean we all raved about Alex´s acting in this epi. I personally doubt any other episode will surpass the brilliant entertainment of 5.07… Alex deserves to work on “meatier” material. (why does this sound like I´m still drooling over all the skin we got to see…hmmm…)


Filed under Hawaii Five-0, Steve McGarrett

Alex O’Loughlin got shipped and I landed on a soap box …….

Who would have thought that my report on slash fic writing would start with the mentioning of the character of Lori Weston. Well it does…… 😛

But before I continue with that though, I just want to explain why I am writing the report the way I am. (Invitation – Alex O’Loughlin and his shippers – Going from Bromance to Romance) I got a lot of information about slash fic writing itself, but I did not get a wide variety of actual writers responding to my invite. My aim was to find out more about the slash fiction where Alex is involved. So I am working with what I got and adding a big THANK YOU to those who did respond!

I also saw some conversations on twitter that let my thoughts take a different path to just clinically reporting back on what I found out about slash fic writing. It took me more on a general road of how we all see each other and interact because of what we believe and love.

When Lori was introduced into Hawaii-Five-0 in S2, there were a lot of comments flying around everywhere on threads surrounding the subject. I myself did not like the character, how she was introduced or the actress, but it definitely did not put me on a crusade to get rid of her.  But why start here with the Lori story?

One of the things that pissed me of the most at that time, was people saying on comment boards, that the fans that did not like Lori were all ‘these women‘ that are so in love with Alex and also so delusional about him being with any woman other than themselves, that they do not even want his character of Steve to have a relationship with a woman.They apparently don’t want to see him with a girlfriend in real life either. It is INSANE!! 🙄 Nobody I know who did not like Lori have any delusions like that (well I hope not, because most are married in any case as well :wink:). And frankly, if there are any fans like that, they might want to seek professional help. I am very serious about that.


If you are so involved with you obsession about an actor, that you can not see him or his characters with other women or men in relationships, you might end up like some crazy person actually hating him. And even if you are breathtakingly pretty and do get to meet him one day and start a relationship with him, you are definitely not the right person for him if you think like that. He is an ACTOR. He plays roles that will include kissing and making out with other women in fake relationships. He has fans who he handles very lovingly. The woman in his life really need to be sure of herself and accept that for sure, otherwise she will have a hard time!!

Having said that, that is what I thought about the straight women shipping men and writing slash fic about them. That they are so “in love” with the actor (in this case Alex), that rather than have him ‘doing’ another woman, they write about him in love with a man, who are not competition for them as women.

I apologise for thinking that! Maybe we should all let go of that idea as the go to excuse when somebody thinks differently to us. 😀


What do we all want out of life? Happiness, togetherness, Ohana, love and acceptance. In our Fairy-tale world the ultimate of happiness is for Prince Charming and the Princess to get through all the obstacles, kiss and live happily for ever after. I believe that in any story that we follow, we look for that connection. Each one of us look to see which couple has the potential to tell that story of eternal love. Some of us like what the writers dish up for us and go along with it, but for those who don’t, they have to ship their own happy couple.

This is me – I ship McKono. But McKono of 3-4 seasons from now. Now at this time it is just ewwwwww to me. 😮 Once WoFat is beaten and all the McGarrett secrets have been solved, when Steve is prepared to settle down and start his Hawaiian family, he and his true counterpart, Kono will find each other and live happily ever after in their own Hawaii Five-o heaven. The End.


I do not however hate McCath for now. I love them. Michelle is such a great asset to the H5-0 team. I wish she had been there from the start as a regular. Their relationship is helping to give the new season some lighter moments and maybe some tense ones coming up soon and it is great for now. Just give her role some meat and do not let her presence take the place of the Ohana, that is my wish. 😀

And when it comes to our dearest Danno, in my eyes there is only one woman for him, Rachel. Rachel to me the most misunderstood character in the show, because the writers chose to write her the way she is – I think I hate them a little bit for that …… but it is needed to keep the story going and I have accepted that.

But Hawaii Five-0 is the brain child of the writers and producers. We are the spectators. It is their baby. In real life most of us can accept some guidance from people when raising our children, but they are ours and we all prefer to do it our own way. So let the writers be. Let them create their fantasy baby within the boundaries they are given by their network and the availability of actors and resources. We as fans however, do not have boundaries and we can create our own stories to suit our own fantasies.

I believe that, that is why there is such a need for fan fiction writing. People with writing skills and a vision for the story of the characters they choose, write and their followers read. They will also take some advice or guidance from their readers, but ultimately it is their story and they write it for themselves. When I say fanfic writers here I also include slash fic writers of course.

The biggest difference apart from the same-sex love story with fan fic and slash fic writers, is that the slash fic writers chose a pairing that will most likely never find their happiness in the story itself, because it is outside the norm of present society. They chose two very manly men that have always been straight that find a special love for each other and they write about them. This provides their stories with enough obstacles and sexual tension for them to then actually get to the they live happily ever after” part. Fan fic and slash fic writing also do not have the boundaries that family network television have of “showing” us the actually intimacy. Fiction writers can write anything from secret glances to real hardcore sex (and the readers can choose what they would like to read).

I want to share something about myself once again just to explain where my opinions come from and why slash fic is not part of my fantasy scenarios. I have quite a number of gay people in my life, male and female and most of those men are manly men.  My dearest friend is a gay man and we have known each other for more than two decades already. I am more than just his hag; we are soul mates – something like ‘Will and Grace‘ from the TV show. We have been there for each other through many relationship and the joys and heartaches that go with it.

Unfortunately I am a realist, even in my fantasy world. Some things just work in a certain way and would rarely change for me. Hence my belief that gay people normally know their orientation from an early age and although some of them try to find love in the heterosexual world, even marry and have children, they never find their true happiness until they accept themselves the way they are.

There however seems to be a small part of the population that regard themself as bi and are able to swap their sexual orientation around to fit the person that they are in love with. They look beyond the gender and they focus on the person. I think it is more commonly found amongst women than men. My gay friends also believes that there are no such thing as Bi men. For them some gay men might choose to sleep with women for some specific reason, but never for love or passion.

So in my opinion men who have been straight for 35 years of their lives and now suddenly finding love with each other as a scenario can not be ruled out, but is highly unlikely. BUT that is me and I am not going to take away anybody’s feeling or fantasy that it is possible. They might even just have always been in denial about their sexual orientation and this specific person that they love deeply, gave them the courage to admit it, who knows…..who knows and who cares, they have found love and happiness in the mind of the people who ship them. The shippers and the slash fic writer saw the potential for romance and the eternal love here and want to write it and that is their brainchild!


Most of what I have written above, inspired the specific questions I asked the slash fic writers to answer. I wanted to get a feeling of what their experiences as far as gay people are. Also if they would just ship any character that play opposite a character played by their favorite actor. And if it is about just the sex or if it included the love story behind it for them.

What I have found is that the people who have had experience in the same-sex world, would maybe write more to help people understand that world. They want to open up people’s minds to different views that are out there in the world. Whereas for the writers that have had less close relationships with gay people, it is more about the love story and this specific romance itself.

All of the writers that responded also seems to have what they call a “one true pairing” couple that they write about. It is therefore not about gay or straight for them, but it is more about those two specific characters and what they have found with each other.

And ultimately love is at the heart of all of it: love for the show; love for the characters; love for the craft of writing itself. I write slash fiction to honour the characters I fell in love with. Besides that I find it also happens to be damn good writing practice. You take two known characters and place them in a situation that, let’s face it, isn’t ever likely to happen on the show itself, and if you want it to be believable then you have to pay closer attention to things like dialogue, characterisation, the story plotting itself, and so on. It’s not always as easy as it looks, and I enjoy that challenge.

So there you have it, the reasons I slashed two characters, and I liked it.

And I bet some of you thought all we did was write gay porn. 😉

Emerald – Mick/Josef slash fic writer

I also wanted to find out how the slash writers feel about the real actors involved in the couple that they ship. There are a lot of the shippers that do in fact also ship the actors themselves. There however seems a code of honour amongst most not to write about them, at least not publish it on open forum where everybody can read it. They keep it private amongst themself and their friends.

I can understand why there seems to be a lot more people also shipping O’Caan (the real actors) than what seemed to be the case with Alex and Jason Dohring from Moonlight. Alex and Jason were in stable heterosexual relationships during the making of Moonlight. While filming Moonlight, Jason had been married for 3 years and he still is married and welcomed his new-born girl recently. Alex and Holly made a lovely loving couple and were together for more than a year by then. Being seen at public events a lot and also privately hanging around town and traveling home to Australia a few times, always looking very much in love…..

aol_tca_190707_2319 Juy 2007

Maybe that gave the shippers less material to work with in regards to shipping the real actors than in the case of the two Hawaii-Five-0 men. Although Alex and Scott are both and have both been in relationships since the beginning of the making of Hawaii-Five-0, they are not often seen with their girlfriends or partners publicly and much less as lovebirds. It is not clear when Alex and Amber broke up and they were always very reluctant to share their relationship with the fans in any case, up until Alex moved to Hawaii.

Alex and Scott are seen together a lot because most of what we see of them are work related. BTS pictures, press conferences and charity events. There has also been a few paparazzi and fan photo’s of them around Hawaii. They are obviously great friends and do not hesitate to show their affection towards each other. They have stated that fact in interviews numerous times and Alex even proclaimed his ‘love‘ for Scott in one of their latest interviews. All of us however perceive their actions towards each other differently.

I see two very affectionate individuals who are very comfortable with whom they are. Whether they just can’t help it to be so affectionate towards each other because they are in love or just good mates, or if they do it deliberately to please the shipping fans, we will never know. For me Alex have always been comfortable to show physical contact with a lot of his friends. He was practically hanging on Jason during one interview they did for Moonlight. When it comes to his friends and loved ones and even fans, male or female his personal space is not very big. So for me it is not surprising that he would show the same kind of physical affection to his fellow actor and friend. Therefor I do not experience his physical affection towards Scott as anything new or out of the ordinary.

So to summarise this very long story of mine:

  • We all love Alex as an actor and his different roles.
  • We want to see him and his characters happy.
  • If the story does not provide satisfaction to our fantasy, we ship.
  • Some of us write about the characters we ship.
  • Some of these stories also take us to the heights of passion.

Every one of us form part of the bigger fandom surrounding Alex and his work. Best thing we can do to support his career is to take hands and share that love for him. My best friends in the fandom laugh at me shipping McKono, but that does not make us enemies. Some of us like the Bromance, others see the Romance …… and in the end it is about the show and the characters we love!!

A special thanks to Emerald for suggesting that I look further into the work and lives of the slash writers and for sharing her own experience. Also thank you for all the reading material on the subject that you provided. You can find more or Emerald’s thoughts and also links to subjects regarding slash fic writing in the comments on the original invite page to the slash writers here.


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin, Hawaii Five-0, Intense Research Reports, Moonlight

The evolution of the bromance: — Season 2 highlights

Our second instalment on the evolution of the bromance from our guest writer, Andrea from Brisbane Australia (Andrea_Briz)

Firstly, I need to acknowledge SJ as it was her idea to create this post. Thanks for the inspiration, SJ 🙂

Followers of Alex/H50-related blogs have discussed at length the not-so-fine moments of season 2 so I won’t revisit them. For the most part, I loved season 1 and it was disappointing that I wasn’t so in love with the season that followed. However, as it was SJ’s suggestion to do something positive in relation to season 2, I am happy to have relived some of the best moments for this post. Most of these relate to the evolution of the bromance but I’ve also made mention of some key FiveO ohana moments, too.

Season 2 began with the team very much fractured but by 2.22, they were back together again as a cohesive unit, a family (ohana) of sorts 🙂 This is a really nice way to think about the season. (Before considering the events of the finale, of course.)

Season 2 opened with Steve in prison, accused of the Governor’s murder, Kono relieved of duty for stealing money from the asset forfeiture locker, Danny in a state of emotional turmoil due to ongoing custody issues, and Chin back at HPD without his team. The season opener was a cracker of an episode, though, and it gave us plenty of bromance/ohana moments. With Steve on the lam after breaking out of prison, Danny and Chin worked tirelessly to clear his name. I enjoyed Max’s inclusion in the Five0 ohana, too. Max helped tend Steve’s wounds after he was shanked by Victor Hesse in prison and had escaped from the ambulance and this scene was a highlight of 2.1 for me.  There were some nice comedic moments in this part of the episode, especially after Danny and Chin showed up. We were also treated to Alex lying shirtless on Max’s couch while he was being fixed up, orange make up notwithstanding #freethegecko.

Episode 2.2 should rate a mention, so that Paula can provide a gif of Alex on a horse (and in a blue shirt!). I don’t really have a reason for this to be included, but who needs one? There was a nice bromance moment, though, when Lori asks Steve and Danno how long they have been married, due to their constant bickering. Cute 🙂

If only for the final scene, episode 2.3 earns its place in the season 2 highlights collection. This episode is about how the Five0s helped uncover why SEALs from Team 9 were being found dead of apparent suicide. The scene I am referring to is when the Five0s are allowed into the Naval Situation Room where footage of Operation Payback is being played out. Danny, watching the SEALs do their thing, says to Steve, “You did this stuff?” to which Steve replies, “I neither confirm nor deny”. While everyone is taking in the SEAL operation, Chin says, “Glad you’re on our team”. This is an important moment; not that the Five0s didn’t realise it before, but seeing the SEALs in action confirms Steve’s BAMF status and his place as leader of their team.

If for no other reason than to relive the MMA scenes (you can thank me later, Justine), episode 2.6 is included as a season highlight. Danny’s concern for Steve in the MMA fight is a nice demonstration of the bromance. If you watch the season 2 gag reel, you’ll find a hilarious out-take from the fight scene. If I’m not mistaken, when Alex is down on the mat, he says to Scott, “Danny, you’re beautiful. I fkn love you man”.

There is no way that episode 2.10 should be left out of a season 2 best-of story. I’m sure many of you will agree that this episode was one of the – if not THE – best of the season. Steve takes off for North Korea to help Jenna Kaye rescue her fiancé, only to be betrayed by Kaye and tortured by Wo Fat who is still searching for Shelburne’s identity. The team, plus Joe White and Steve’s SEAL mates, embark on a dangerous mission to rescue Steve in what was the ultimate test of the bromance and team ohana. And they passed with flying colours! The look on Danny’s face when he opens the truck to find Steve safe is one of the best moments of the season, as is the final scene in the helicopter when the team is returning home. It’s memorable just for Alex’s killer smile! I also love the ohana moment, to ease the tension from the ordeal they have just been through, when they are all joking about Chin’s upcoming marriage.

In episode 2.13, Steve dangles a suspect over a ‘cliff’ then lets him go, only to see the suspect face plant into the sand (because it wasn’t really a cliff after all hehe). We weren’t treated to many Steve OTT policing tactics in season 2 so I really enjoyed this one. Also enjoyable because we got to hear Danny utter one of my favourite bromance lines: “You’re an animal”.

You may or may not like the events in episode 2.14, when Danny helps Rachel deliver her baby, knowing that he is not the father. However, in the final scene there is a nice bromance moment, as Steve is there to support Danny after the baby is born. By offering to buy him dinner  🙂

Episode 2.19 has a terrific bromance moment in the opening scene, with the added bonus of both Alex and Scott shirtless after surfing on Queens’s Beach. The scene begins with a discussion of whether or not you can ‘own a wave’ after Danny tried to muscle in on someone else’s wave – off camera of course. Danny does not agree with the wave-owning concept and so he says: “You can’t own a wave, and while we are on the subject; Spam is not part of any food group that I care to recognize and last but not least, an appetizer should never ever, under any circumstances be referred to as “poo poo.” Classic. I also love the way Danny plants his surfboard into the sand, mimicking Steve like a little boy would. Bromance gold.

Episode 2.22 is where the team comes together at the end of season, before things go off the rails in the finale. The end of the episode, when Steve is welcomed back after his Wo Fat crusade in Japan, is a really nice example of the team ohana and in particular the brotherly relationship that now exists between Steve and Danny. It has warmth to it that seems ‘real’ and it is particularly significant as Alex had just returned to the show after time off in rehab.

And, just for FOYeur, I am going to include the cargument from the finale; also because it’s one of the best. Ever. Danny is about to take a call from his lawyer, regarding custody issues with Rachel and Stan moving to Las Vegas, and he tells Steve that the call is private. Alex does a bang-up job with his reaction to this (that faaacceee!) as he’s all like, ‘what can I do, I’m driving?’ Steve tells Danny that they are friends so there should be sharing and I LOVE IT when Danny calls Steve on his disappearing act in the previous couple of episodes. Nice one, Danno! It gets even better when Steve says to Danny: “I can put my head out the window and drive with my feet. I’ve got great toe control.” Yes, we know you have great toe control, Steve! (And thanks for the shout out to H50 Sardonic toe p/rn discussions 🙂 )

So there you have it, my selection of great moments from season 2; hopefully we can move on with fond memories. If you are still in any doubt about the bromance and the team ohana, check out the season 2 gag reel. It’s hilarious and to me shows what a tight-knit bunch the Fab Four are and HOW MUCH FUN it must be to be part of this show.


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin, Buddies