501 – Buddies therapy session

Spoiler alert!

This clip was hilarious! I love Alex pulling his face and the way Steve seems a bit dorky (lovable though!). And even Danny behaved.

I must say I was laughing with D when Steve said he gets carsick if he doesn´t drive smiley-die-laughing



To watch the video go to ET here or click on the gif below to view full screen 🙂



Filed under Buddies, Hawaii Five-0

32 responses to “501 – Buddies therapy session

  1. OMG this is priceless 🙂
    I already know i’m going to love this episode!


  2. OMG!! I could not stop laughing, Oh I loved this loved this. Oh I must make sure I do not miss this episode, oh they are so married, and really show why the Bromance is the best thing about this show. I love. Most of all my Danno has his tie on!!! Oh my baby is back, my baby is back!!!. I wish I could just run up and kiss him, :Yeah danno you got your tie back.!.


  3. Sylvie

    I love this video , even if I don’t understand all what they say in details.
    Thanks Paula


  4. Fabulous and I must say that BLUE shirt is to die for. Shows us too that they both have a sense of humor, despite their differences, they agree they are family. THANKS! I can’t wait until next week.


  5. I had to smirk at Steve getting car sick but it proves that even Navy SEAL’s have their weaknesses.


  6. Lots of Alex and Scott coming through in this Steve and Danny session IMO. 🙂 Steve in his blue button down and snug dress pants almost distracted me from his magnificent (as always) facial expressions. His hair is perfect too! I can’t wait for next Friday! The smile at the end…KILLER!


    • I would like to see how it will fit into the episode and how it looks on TV. It tends to look like a bit of overacting going on here…… me runs and hides 😀


      • “me runs and hides” >>> good thing you are on another continent. 😉
        JK. We all have our own opinions and I agree with you nearly 99% of the time.
        This scene reminded me a little of the CBS upfront interview when Scott spilled his hot tea all over and Alex expressed his dislike of LA. There was a lot of animation there as well. There may be some alcohol involved too, looking back at some of the other pics from that day. Anyway. I love these two when they banter. Danny was at least smiling.


        • It shows at the beginning of the clip “seven hours earlier” which usually means that starts the show. I am looking forward to it even if I am NOT a huge “Danny” fan but this video was cute. Maybe the writers are getting back on track? I also liked how they did some flashbacks to how they first met, introducing the team, etc.


        • I was pleased to see Danny being so mellow with this banter. I didn´t cringe at all listening to him. I did find his portrayal of Danny very entertaining, but Alex was of course the one I laughed at most 😀

          FOYeur! Overacting! Never! Well of course, it comes with trying to be funny, don´t they usually overact? Well I think in H50 they have to (to me this seemed natural for the buddies). And this scene is obv done purely for comedic value, doubt it fits in with any of the other stuff in 501 😉


          • Will have to wait and see in a weeks time how I feel about it … maybe a bit forced? 😉
            (But like you said, maybe that is normal for them – it is an action show after all and not a comedy, so it might struggle to come or seem natural?! 😀 )


  7. karen1228

    Love that turquoise shirt on Alex! Sigh… One thing what’s w/the comment about Kono? They needed a woman and she fit the bill!! Huh! Rather sexist statement no? Aside from that, they are ohana!


    • I actually take it as a compliment to her. Every team needs a woman – to me is a compliment! She can do stuff they can’t and visa versa. I have always just felt utmost respect from Steve towards Kono – and he always seems in awe of her abilities.


    • amberrocks

      I think what Steve said was “we needed a female UC”, not “we needed a female, you see”. UC = undercover. Sounds less sexist in my head, anyway.


  8. vanduyn

    Why do you have a LOVE prompt??!! I love this post so much!! Thank you so much for capturing the pics and making the gifs! You girls rock!! 😀
    Can’t wait to see this!!


  9. vanduyn

    NOT have sorry for the error


  10. gracenotpark

    Yo Foyeur…I didn’t care for this clip, either. 😉 I dunno how it fits into what, but given how we left Show, it seems tin-earrish to what was going on in McG’s life. And he cannot get car sick…that’s ridiculous. He rides on boats and ships and sky dives! Plus we’ve seen this before. I enjoyed the McGrover version in the Governor’s office, which was not over-acted, much more. This just seems like a late night comedy show sketch to me. Maybe it’ll make better sense, and play better to me, within the ep.


  11. buttercup4u

    Didn’t anybody think of the movie “Mr.&Mrs Smith”?!?!?!


  12. buttercup4u

    I love his face when he says “we straigthen that out..!”” haha – so Steve like!


  13. I absolutely love this scene!! 😀 Alex looks amazing and sitting with his legs spread is an invitation I’d gladly take him up on! 😉 Made me giggle when they did the flashback and Steve is explaining it how he ‘sees it’ which totally glosses over the real truth lol and Danny’s faces are priceless. How CUTE is that that Steve knows down to the hour how long the two of them have been together! 😀 😀 My McDanno heart is so happy ♥


    • I all fairness and really not to take away from anybody’s vision of the show. Those days and that specific day, must be etched in Steve’s mind. Not only did he capture a man he was hunting for 5 years, but in that process he lost his best friend of the past 10 years, just to shoot the guy he hunted and with that killing everything his friend died for.
      Then he had to listen helplessly over the phone and hear how his father is shot.
      Then on that specific day he returned to his beloved Hawaii, bury his father and have to walk into his parents’ house after 18 years and relive the moment his dad died. He then finds the evidence his father left and realises he can’t trust anybody to handle hunting his father’s killers.
      He meets Danny (the Detective handling the case) just after he realises that he needs to step in and take over the case. Within minutes, he resigns his job and effectively leaves the life he lived in the military and the only thing he knew for the past 18 years behind. Add to that that he starts Five-0 and a new job and life that very minute. And on top of that add that he again sees Chin and meets Kono that day.
      I would say, that, that would be a day for him to remember………


  14. Oh.Em.Gee. I’m seriously airhearting that scene!!!!


  15. karen

    This scene was the highlight of the entire episode. The rest was interesting indeed.


  16. karen

    I was at SOTB. Alex was amazing. Best SOTB yet!


  17. Alex is really funny in this clip! He always entertains and surprises me with new faces and gestures! Even his legs talk in this one! Never boring. And you captured his best gestures! Thank you!
    (I agree with GNP, I found the S4 scene with Lou and Steve at the Governor’s a bit funnier, but that’s because I love Steve/Lou, Alex/Chi much more… You know me, I’m not a fan of Danny…)


  18. Pingback: 501 – Steve got even prettier | Alex O´Loughlin ~ An Intense Study

  19. Due the Governor made them take this session, I wanna think that Steve didn’t take it seriosly, he went because he had to and so he was ironic, teasing, comic with a lot of gracious faces for our delight and there were two moments for me when he was totally adorable: when he made clear they were Ohana and at the end when he satisfying smiled and said he thought they were good…….the moment when he was totally McPerv….when he opened his legs, even the therapist lost control on the session, lol!


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