#AlexOLoughlin & #H50 – There is a Time for Everything ……

I know my next sentence is going to shock several people, but I suggest that you read till the end of the story before you pass judgement on it…..

Paula and I have been looking forward to this day for a number of years already. Yes, the day when Hawaii Five-0 ends. Not because of some hate for the show and there is also no pleasure in the fact that so many people now need to find new jobs. But we were anxious for it to happen because there is a time for everything in life. A time to hold on and a time to let go. A time for endings and a time to make space for new beginnings.

We can only imagine what a tough decision it must have been for Alex to make, to let it all just go. I even think that on many occasions he might have hoped that the Network would make the decision for him and cancel the show. Not only is he leaving a high paying job, but also the fact that so many of his friends and colleagues that he cares about will now also be in the same position. The entertainment business can be highly volatile. There are no guarantees – even for a lead actor. So many actors never find that big show or project again.

“At the moment I can’t imagine working any longer than tomorrow. Because there’s just so much work. But we’ll see, we’ll see. I want to do other things sooner rather than later.”

– Alex O’Loughlin

 October 2013

The fact remains, the cast and crew of Hawaii Five-0 had a good run. A better run than most in the business. Having a job, learning new skills, meeting new friends and contacts and having fun while doing so for 10 years. And now it is time to let go and use that which Hawaii Five-0 gave them all to move onto new adventures and new heights. Hopefully, Alex also got noticed and made connections while on the show with those who can offer him something more in his career.

“I have an end date. I signed two more years, seasons seven and eight, and then I’m done. I got too many injuries to contend with. This show is really important to me and I’m pretty sure the world can see that with what I bring. I really care about these characters, I’ve never phoned in my performances.

Every single day, no matter how tired I am, I give it everything I can to make it as good as it can be but that takes a toll. I think if I’d have been an actor who didn’t care, I’d have less gray hair and I’d be a lot less tired. But I’m really tired. I do a lot of heavy lifting on the show, I have a harder schedule than anyone else but that’s just the way it is for number one. That’s cool, but it has to end.”

– Alex O’Loughlin

ET Online

November 2016

We know that Alex went back on his word once his back problem got better and he stayed on for two extra years. Back on his word to give Hawaii, the crew and the cast some extended time with the economic advantage of having the show for them.

It also gave him time to expand his duties to be writer, director and producer as well. Hopefully, extended experiences that will prove to be good for all of them in the long run.

Moving beyond Hawaii Five-0 will for us here at Intense Study also be a new but challenging adventure, and it might not be an easy one. I know for us there is no monetary implications like for those who worked on the show. We do it purely for our own fun, but we also care about Alex’s future.  We would like to see him happy and fulfilled in his work. As an actor, he has given us so much pleasure over the years, and of course, we would like that to continue.

It will be hard to find information about him, especially and specifically because he is not on social media and he does not share his career that way. We will purely have to rely on those we know of who share information about him, random sightings and media reports about his career moves.

It will also be hard because even if he starts filming a movie or anything else tomorrow, it will take months or maybe a couple of years before it will be released and receive any attention. At this time, my wish is that he already has something lined up and that we will hear news about it soon …. but not holding my breath on that one.

We know that many fans followed Alex’s career just because of Hawaii Five-0, and many of them will have no interest to follow him now and they will just leave. Just like many left when he became Steve, and others because he moved to Hawaii and others because he got married. We know fans, in general, are fickle.

But some devoted fans have been here long before us and who we know will stay to follow his career for many more years to come. We will all have to rely heavily on one another to gather and share information about him. Hopefully many will also leave the stupid quarrels about Hawaii Five-0 behind and just enjoy Alex with us.

Most of all and the reason why we have been looking forward to this day is for the new fans who will discover Alex and his work when he gets involved with new projects. Those who will squeal like we did when we first started here. Those who will want to go back after discovering him and will be swooned by Mick, fall in love with Stan, enjoy the youthfulness of uninhibited Jack Flange, experience the brilliant naked madness of Michael Carter, fall for the goodness of angelic Dr Andy and join us in an incredible journey with adorable Will Bryant. They will be able to page through the more than 2000 posts here on Intense Study and come to adore Alex and his Steve McGarrett just as much as we do.

I cannot wait to see what new character Alex will bring to life next and with it to welcome that audience who are waiting beyond network television and  Five-0  to discover him and will hopefully do so in the years to come!

And even more so I can not wait to see the excitement that this new creative challenge will bring for him.

Congratulations to Alex and the whole creative and production team of Hawaii Five-0 on a job well done. You have entertained millions of fans all over the world for a period of 10 years (and beyond with all the re-runs to come).

We can only wish all of you the best for the years to come!


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin, Hawaii Five-0

59 responses to “#AlexOLoughlin & #H50 – There is a Time for Everything ……

  1. Rocio87

    Thanks for this post. I love it! I was thinking in Alex’s life, where I could read about his new projects, to know if he is ok…
    Alex is more than Steve and more than Hawaii 5.0, Alex is a GREAT actor and director but definetly is an amazing human being.

    Liked by 6 people

    • “Alex is more than Steve and more than Hawaii 5.0, Alex is a GREAT actor and director but definitely is an amazing human being.”
      Beautiful and very accurate words from you!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Kz Gruber

    I have watched his career grow and morph into the greatness he is today. His health and family are most important and I hope he now has the the time to focus on these things. My best to him always,

    A very faithful fan Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 5 people

  3. Evette Evans

    I am glad that you are not going to stop posting about Alex and his career! This may be a time in his life to just rest, get better, and enjoy his family. I wish him the best and look forward to your future postings of the great things he does.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. mamayorkie

    Thank you FOYeur and Paula.This was beautifully said and expressed my feelings also.

    I was expecting the series to end in the near future so I was not totally surprised by what happened but I was totally shocked as how fast it happened. It was a sudden death, not a lingering wasting away and maybe that will prove to be a blessing in the end.

    What amazes me and worries me a bit is how many people think their life is over if the show goes off the air. We will certainly all go on and find other things to excite us. I expect that since H50 and Magnum now live in the same universe we may see some of our favorites return for a guest spot. I picture Steve sitting at the bar of Rick’s having a beer and maybe helping out on a case. Hopefully he has pictures of his kids in his wallet. As long as AOL continues to make Hawaii his home all is possible. There is always hope. I am hopeful.

    I will look forward to the two part finale because, despite the sudden turn of events, this story was likely written many weeks ago. All they really needed to do was tweak it a bit to give the characters time to say goodbye to each other and to us, the fans.

    If I have one wish, it is this. Whatever the fate of the characters, and whatever happens to your favorite ship, please can we all let go of the the hate and celebrate ten wonderful years instead? These characters only live on the page of a script but the real people who play these roles work hard to entertain us and deserve our respect. I hope the fandom can show the same class that the cast and crew does during this difficult time.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Yes, Mama, it would be so great if fans could just enjoy the show for what it is and not scream demands what they want it to be.
      I even saw some death threats towards Peter over the weekend. So ridiculous when people take it all so seriously.
      That ugliness has been the sad part for me about it all. And the one thing I will definitely not miss at all.

      Liked by 1 person

      • mamayorkie

        I didn’t know it had gone as far as threats and that really is terrifying if some people have crossed the line from sheer nastiness to outright insanity.

        If that is what is going on now, I can only imagine how bat shit crazy some of these people are going to react if the finale doesn’t give them their heart’s desire.

        None of us is going to get everything we want but I’ll take whatever I get and say thank you.


      • gracenotpark

        Dang! Seriously? I have zero love or even patience with Lenkov, but death threats? And how do they know Peter ended the Show? It seems to me that Alex did it. This fandom has some great people, but there’s polar opposites too.

        Thanks for carrying on, ladies. Your site is a treasure trove.❤️

        Liked by 1 person

        • The threat was not about the show ending. The threat was made that if McDanno does not become canon in the finale.
          Polar opposites are part of life. But it can also be handled without rudeness.


    • lindae5o

      I like the idea of Alex making surprise appearances in Lenkov’s other shows. I’m sure Peter would be open to the plan.


  5. vanduyn

    Very well said

    Liked by 3 people

  6. lindae5o

    Thank you!!! You’ve written everything I could want about the past few days. No need for trepidation. We, who love Alex, want him to have new opportunities. Hopefully, he will have a new project soon. Alex is too talented not to have caught the attention of movers and shakers in show business. It’s possible he tried his hand at writing and directing lately, for that reason.
    People who were just fans of the show, and not Alex in particular, will just fall away, but I believe he made himself a ton of new supporters.
    I hope the remaining episodes are good, and that they end with a great finale.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Jen Roos

    The previous comments echoe precisely what I also feel. Thank you for your post putting us at ease re future news about Alex, especially his health issues.
    Couldn’t say it any better than Rocio87 said in the last paragraph:
    “Alex is more than Steve and more than Hawaii 5.0, Alex is a GREAT actor and director but definetly is an amazing human being”.
    His kindness and consideration to others, on and off the screen, lifted me up during dark times.
    Aloha from a loyal fan in South Africa.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. barbara A. Lennane

    I Know that I will be very up-set I love this program but most of all I love Alex a great actor and very handsome wish him well in what ever he does he will have no problem getting another job if he wants Good Luck Alex & God Bless You love barbara lennane

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Tanya

    I know I will miss watching Hawaii Five-o on Fridays. Execellent cast and crew, but Alex O’Loughlin I will miss the most, and I am saddened by the show ending. But after reading this article and how Alex/Steve pushed himself to do 2 more seasons knowing that it was taking a lot out of him I can respect his decision and I will be watching the reruns and continue to look for Alex and other cast members move on to other avenues in their lives. Good Luck to all of you.

    Liked by 4 people

  10. I, as a lot of others, discovered Alex through Hawaii Five-0, but even though Five-0 is over, I will continue to follow his career. I’ve seen most of his previous movie/tv show apperances and own most of them on dvd, and I will watch future apperances on tv/cinema/whereever. He’s been my fave actor for almost ten years, I’d been a big fool if I decided to leave him now.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. AlexOloughlinlover

    I will miss him a lot but he needs his down time before jumping into something new and I wish him all the best in the world and I will always love him no matter what been a fan for 10 to 11 years now and I love the post you all will always be my Ohana

    Liked by 2 people

  12. CassG

    Thank you FOYeur and Paula. This post was most definitively a beautiful expression and more so a testament to who you are. I would hope that loyal and new fans of Alex will be a part of this great place to come and hear the best of whatever is out there about our Alex. It may take a bit longer to come by but patience is virtue. I for one have all the patience in the world when it comes to Alex. The best may still be yet to come for him. One can hope.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. cwtshjan

    You said it all. Hope we all still stick around for the next adventure Alex embarks on. I’ll be there.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. D. Havard


    And also A-lex. 😆😆😆😆😆

    Glad you’re sticking around. I was thinking I would miss coming here as much as I would miss 5 O.

    But I’m going to miss 5O, especially next winter when it is cold and dark but I could look forward to Hawaii skies and beautiful guyes on Fridays.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Maria W

    It’s not too late for Moonlight to begin again

    Liked by 2 people

  16. scarlett

    Very well said, ladies. I look forward to your posts and will continue to do so. Alex quit this job at the apex of his career so far, he is still a shining star. I strongly believe there will be better career opportunities for him and he will excel at those as well. And I am looking forward to reading all about them here. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to Alex and for sharing with all of his fans.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. That was so beautifully written and thank you for this site and all the pics and info, i will miss Hawaii 50 but cant wait to see Alex shine in something that really shows off that amazing talent, Right know once his back is better the world is his . I can see him on masked singer, or maybe dancing with the stars. I can see him doing a movie , writing scripts starting his production company maybe someday will turn on a wildlife show and hear that amazing voice commentating. All I know is what ever it is it will be great . Alex puts his whole heart in whatever he does and that is why my whole heart is always with him. When Alex was just starting out in Moonlight I wrote to him he sent me a picture that say’s ” May the rest of your days be filled with joy”. I wish that for him and us all Aloha .

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dq

      Masked Singer? Dancing with the Stars? I hope not!

      Liked by 1 person

    • ” All I know is whatever it is it will be great. Alex puts his whole heart in whatever he does and that is why my whole heart is always with him.”
      << Fully agree with you on this, but I do have to say that I agree with DQ, I would rather not see him on "masked singer" or "dancing with the stars".


  18. Sunny 37

    Thank you for your words!
    I am glad to know, that here on your site will still be a Place to adore Alex and follow his career!
    Those were amazing 10 years, I will never forget and am grateful to have seen this show.
    Long before a friend made me watch Oyster Farmer- and I was hooked- still am!
    So Thank you so much for your hard work,Paula and Foyeur – I would miss you for sure!
    Here’s to the Future, whatever there will be !

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Cassiopea 1000

    OMG, when I read the first two lines of you post, I nearly had a fit. I thought you were going to say that you and Paula had decided to put an end to this blog after all. You know, I think of you as my little virtual ohana and I’d really miss you all, even if I have my beloved ohanas in RL.

    Sometimes I read the oldest comments of this blog, as they are extremely entertaining, and I realize that with the passage of time, those of us who discovered Alex in H50 10 years ago have evolved from the mere enthusiasm for his good looks to another level: appreciation for his own evolution as an artist and admiration and respect for his qualities as a human being. And what you say is true, FOYeur. Some of the fans of the first seasons have disappeared and suddenly have ceased to comment, maybe because they found another fiction hero to worship, maybe because they found real love and had no longer need for a surrogate man to fill they romantic soul. Who knows?

    But many of us will always support Alex, no matter how long it takes to see him again on screen, no matter what he does or says, no matter if he decides to re-arrange the stars in the firmament to write ‘Malia’ with them as a reminder for all to see that his heart is not free, whether some fool fans like it or not. No matter what, we’ll be there for him.

    Of course, being only human, we are a little bit selfish. At least I am. And I know that I’ll feel like time is dragging when one month, then another, then another goes by without having news. I know that even if intellectually I am all for his taking his time to rest, to heal, to enjoy life, to decide what he wants to do with his career, emotionally I’ll sometimes hate him for keeping us in the dark. As if he owed us any kind of explanation!

    Well, we can always meet here on August 24 to celebrate his birthday. That will be better than nothing 😀😀😀 !

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Rita Papallo

    We’ll said!! Alex deserves a life beyond 5o. Hopefully we will see him in the big screen playing other characters after he’s had a good long break with his family. All the best for the future. Thankyou for all you’ve given us.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. karinnotmcnerd

    Thank you FOYeur and Paula. I love all the characters you mentioned in your post and look forward to Alex creating more of them. This site has been a lifeline to many of us and even though I don’t comment often, I’ve always been here in the shadows, just appreciating all of your hard work. So glad you will continue.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Joanne

    Loved the article. Thank you.
    Good luck to all in their future endeavours.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Sandie

    Will miss you all – My favorite show – best wishes to all

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Magnólia

    Gostei tanto, tanto do seu post! É todo o meu pensar.
    Estou muito grata pelos bons momentos que passo no vosso site.
    Quero muito que Alex consiga trabalhos que o façam feliz que estimulem a sua criatividade.
    Desejo-lhe saúde e dias felizes!
    Obrigada, Paula e Foyeur 🎶🍀🎻

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Kaye

    The first time I saw Alex was in an underground showing of “Feed” many years ago. I had no idea who he was only that he was mesmerizing. When he turned up a few years later in “Moonlight” I was totally hooked for life and have followed his career since. I watched every single episode of H50 first run for all 10 years. Though the timing was surprising, I am not totally surprised it is ending as he (and Scott) only signed for 2 more years. Ten years is a good run for anything and the show will go out while still on top. Alex is such a great talent he will be back on our screens before too long IF that is his desire. In any case, I wish him health, happiness and success wherever life leads him. I will always be his fan no matter what. I seldom post anything anywhere but I want to end by saying Thank you for all the hard work you have done over the years. I have enjoyed your posts and will continue reading.
    Mahalo nui loa

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Kaye
      Not many fans first discovered Alex through Feed. Although I must say that the picture I saw of it when I first googled him, made me want to look further and explore who he is.


      • Kaye

        The film can be a bit hard to watch due to the subject matter but seeing a very compelling young Alex makes it worthwhile. For those who have not seen it, I recommend it at least once.

        Liked by 1 person

  26. Nancy 13

    Thank you both for all your hard work over the years to bring us Alex news & pics. The amount of time & research you do is amazing. Thank you for being willing to continue this blog. Love to Alex & hope he is healthy & enjoys a rest with his family.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Mónica Sans

    I was devastated by the last Friday news, it still makes me sad, after the first shock, I knew the reason and I accepted.
    I discovered Alex some years ago through Hawaii Five O, for many years I did not have time to watch tv, so its the first series I follow since then… I became a big fan of them…
    But as I always do anytime I come across a new Actor, Writer, Teatre director or whoever I become interested in, I begun to search “what did he do before?” So, I came across with Mary Bryant, The Shield, Three Rivers, August Rush, the Invisible, etc. and the last but not least Moonlight…
    i simply loved Alex´s differents performances, his little gestures, and his Great qualities as an Actor.
    I just finished reading your comments… and if we really want the Best for Him, you’re right, perhaps change delayed too much…
    Regardin Five O, I have my own special eps like 10.07 (a masterpiece) and Honor Thy Father (the one about the japanise katana), 8.24 among many others.
    One last thing I agree with your comments… I am becoming sick and tired about all the argues among “fans” during the last days… I tried always to share whatever I may contribute (usually AXN latinoamerica’s ads) in the hope somebody may like to watch the latin promos than perhaps may be different from US. I do not own them, neither I care to do so. Some days I got really tired of all the arguiing and conspiracy theories that does not help anyone at all.
    Sorry If a mixed facts a little bit,
    I always read your web anytime you post some links in Twitter or instagram… I do not have facebook.
    Many Thanks for all your comments an pics.

    Mónica Sans
    Buenos Aires – Argentina

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Lee smith

    I have just found out that season 1p is the last that show has lifted me and pulled me out of some dark places when I seen some of the story’s that has been done from steve loseing his mother and the heart acre of loseing friends(max said it best steve is like a big brother I lost my brother 5 yrs ago and steve reminds me of him)
    You and scott will be missed from the 5 0 family good luck I’m the future and all the best to you and your familys


  29. Yes ..it is time..it has been one hell of a run but it time to let go and move onto bigger and brighter things in the future..We will miss seeing our team every week..and I truly hope all can find work..best of luck to all..<3 Im excited to see what Alex will do next ❤
    Good future to all ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  30. lindae5o

    Unfortunately, when TV shows end, or are cancelled, networks don’t show reruns over the hiatus. Those who missed Alex’s excellent 10.07 episode, won’t have a chance to see it. I hope now, with HF-O ending, that CBS will make an extra-special effort creating the final season DVD.

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  31. Pat

    Yes, I agree with you. Very well written

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Bessie Eason

    Sorry to see you go, i really enjoyed the show.

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  33. MamaLyn

    Let Steve and Danno go. Let Grover and the rest have the show.


  34. Lyn

    I, like so many fans, was shocked, but truly understand where Alex is coming from. He gave us his all …which is what anyone in any field should do, but when you’re health is compromised, we have to stop, think and make decisions according to what’s right for us. I’ll miss the H50 team, but the actors, will never be forgotten. I will continue to be a fan, look forward to his future projects, but most of all, pray for his recovery. I suffer from Spinal Stenosis due to an injury and have to change things in my life…in the medical field. I truly hope for the best for him, his family and his future. Thanks for the journey you shared with us, your fans. God Bless you and your family.🙏💖

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Gaspar Perez

    I am going to miss the show Hawaii 50. The cast were great & fantastic. I’ve watched the original & the rebooted one
    Mahalo & God speed. From Gaspar Perez. PS Aloha.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Mamadoe

    So sorry to see this show go. There are so many terrible things on TV, it was refreshing to see Hawaii Five-0.

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Karen Carese Stevens

    Love the show. Watched it years ago and loved the idea
    of the the new series. Have been a regular. Gonna miss you. Wish you well.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Allison McG

    Well said .. absolutely with you on it all.

    Liked by 1 person

  39. Marlene

    I watch the show totally because I have followed Alex since vampire days
    I love the show but understand
    completely it is time for Alex and his family to move on
    Good luck and I will try to follow all his future endeavours. Thank you from Canada!

    Liked by 1 person

  40. dawn russell

    There is a time for everything to come to an end. So a BIG thank you to Alex and all the crew for a wonderful 10yrs , BUT beg you all do not disappear from the screens altogether. How about it Alex of coming “home” again to male a couple of movies, I’m sure there would be a chance of doing an Aussie movie or two back here!!!! Love you all

    Liked by 1 person

  41. mamayorkie

    Alex made a decision which he felt was in the best interest of himself and his family. We don’t and may never know all of his reasons but we need to step back an respect his right to do what he felt he needed to do.

    The network and PL explored continuing the how with a new cast member and perhaps Danny but could not see the way forward without the main character, McGarrett. While the announcement may have been sudden, the lead up to the final decision looks like it was in the works for some time. Perhaps they thought that having McGarrett wave goodbye to the team in the season finale would leave the door open for a guest role for Alex in season 11 to tell us where he went and then end his story. None of us know what may have been in their minds and everything we think we know is speculation until we get the full story from the principals involved. I do not and have never placed much faith in those who write the articles for the entertainment sites when they stop using quotation marks and devolve into their interpretations.

    Name calling, finger pointing and expressions of hatred for ANYONE associated with the show diminishes the fandom. Haven’t we had enough of that in ten years?

    It will be interesting to watch tonight with an eye to clues about which direction the show is moving. In retrospect, I think Danny’s reaction to the white powder flying around the room during the gun battle may be an indication of how he feels about his job. He does have a family to worry about. We will see.


  42. Sandra

    I have followed Mr O’Laughlin since his days on Moonlight. The vampire who worked with the detective, the short lived Four Rivers and Hawaii Five-O. I am a fan, I hope he will take a short break to rest, relax and renew. I look forward to his next adventure when he is ready. Mahalia!!!


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