Daily Archives: October 29, 2013

Alex O’Loughlin – Tough guy with a soft side………

On his trip to LA to record the interview for “The Talk” in late September,  Alex also did some promotional interviews for himself and Hawaii Five-0. One of the people from the press who interviewed him on the day, was Margaret Gardiner, member of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (representing South Africa).

(For those of you who don’t know, the members of the HFPA are the people who cast the votes for the Golden Globe awards)

This is the article Margaret wrote for TV Plus:

(Please click on the article to enlarge for reading)


(PS. When will CBS take some new publicity photos for the Hawaii Five-0 team? These promo pictures from 2011 are good, but by now most of us have seen and used them often….. 😀 )

And of course Paula had to play with Alex and decided to crop Miss Universe 1978 out of the above picture 😉 Here is the picture we posted on Facebook a while ago………. 😀

In South Africa (and other countries in Africa with DStv access), you can presently watch Alex in Hawaii Five-0, Season 3 (latest Epi 3:18), on M-Net on Thursday nights at 20h30, with several repeats during the week.

And you can also watch Hawaii Five-0, Season 1 (currently Epi 1:16) on FOX (DStv, channel 125), on Monday nights at 20h20, with a few repeats during the week.


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin, From his lips, Hawaii Five-0, Steve McGarrett

Alex O’Loughlin – Is he your choice? VOTE!

Here at Intense Study we always celebrate Alex O’Loughlin as a talented actor and also as a wildly sexy hunk 😛 With the People’s Choice Awards we, as fans, can show our support to him in his present role as Steve McGarrett in his present TV Series Hawaii Five-0, by voting.

The nominee selection of the People’s Choice Awards for 2014, are still open for voting until 31 October 2013. Support Alex and Hawaii Five-0 by voting as often as you can for the last 2 days before it closes!

Please click on the picture to vote for Alex, as best Actor in a TV Drama Series ……

Vote at: http://www.peopleschoice.com/pca/nominations/vote.jsp?pollId=130020

Please click on the picture to vote for Alex, Scott and Chin, as the best Bromance on TV……

Please click on the picture to vote for Hawaii Five-0 as best TV Crime Drama…….

We are the People – Let us show our Choice 🙂

By doing this we can promote the wonderful talent of Alex, that we all enjoy so much on a daily basis, to many more people! If they do not know about him yet, they are definitely missing out big time……..


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin, Beauty perfected, Hawaii Five-0, Steve McGarrett

Women´s self defence seminar with Alex (and Egan)! Yes please.

Isn´t this a contradiction in terms, learning self defence with Alex? Who´s going to fight him? 😉

Anyway, I would gladly pay the fee to get his hands on me.  The title say´s seminar, but perhaps it will have Alex and Egan showing some of the moves with each other (at some point there must be volunteers from the audience jumping onto the stage, I might 😉 )?  Ps I wish they had used a fresher pic of Alex for the flier.

Thank you to Angela Gerstner for sharing this info 🙂

And then Egan posted this pic with this text “After our first training in the new gym we were styling our new shirts designs.” I must say Alex looks lethal with that stare. I am shivering all over….*sigh* (and I still don´t like that doggy face. Why not use a fierce kitty?)

More t-shirts can be viewed by clicking on the pic below.

Alex and Egan


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin