Daily Archives: October 7, 2013

Alex O’Loughlin – See what the #H50 #CBSTweetWeek was all about

On Friday 27th September 2013 some good history was made. We got Alex, together with Peter Lenkov and Daniel Dae Kim, live tweeting with broadcast of the Season 4 premiere.

This was the opening tweet:

Watch season premiere right now! Join , & Alex O’Loughlin LIVE tweeting 4.

From there on Alex took over and entertained us for a while. Can’t thank him enough for taking the time to do it. Fans relish the opportunity for any personal contact with him. With so many of us from so far away, it is a wonderful occasion to be able to interact with him a just a little bit.


This is how the rest of the session went:

sabrinanthesand ‏@ItisSabrina : Alex do u hope Wo Fat is McG’s half bro? Also TY bb for #ruokday support XO
Alex: It would definitely answer some questions

Alex: Boy it’s nice to have a haircut!


Alex: We used multiple special camera rigs for some of these shots


Peter M. Lenkov ‏@Plenkov: Love when McG yells
Alex: Yeah, I guess I yell a lot

Alex: Dragging a man like that is actually harder than it looks


Alex: This scene between Kono and Adam we borrowed from the Titanic

Jennifer ‏@PhoenixWytch: What’s your favorite scene in this episode?
Alex: I think that last one with Wo Fat is one of them!

Miss Sara King ‏@Sara_TIU_TW: Was it hard to go back to work on #H50 after you had your son?
Alex: Yeah, I just want to stay with him all day. It’s hard to go to work everyday with a new baby.

Alex: Yes they are my breasts


Alex: Scott just looked at my tits!

Alex: Daniel’s biceps look ENORMOUS in this sequence
Alex: First time we get a good extra and we kill him after three words. It’s hard to get a good extra!

Alisha Francis ‏@alishamarie28: LOVE steve’s swag . especially him dodging those bullets
Alex: Thanks! It’s partly mine.

Sonia Singh ‏@soniasingh2014: What are looking forward to most for Steve McGarrett this season?
Alex: The developing character arc is deeper for McG in terms of relationships.

*MaryEllen Gerette* ‏@mellen2211: Alex, you’re using social media. Do you think you’ll still dislike it after tonight? Big (((hugs))) from #StLouis
Alex: I won’t feel any differently. It’s too overwhelming.

Alex: Chi is so much fun. He’s much less serious than he seems

Alex: Grover drops trou in a minute. He’s a bad B$%#$

Alex: I really like subtitled scenes

Alex: Don’t forget 2 check out pictures from behind the scenes of the premiere episode of #H50 here: http://bit.ly/1beGq86  pic.twitter.com/3ldU3i0uUh

Cassidy Douglas ‏@Cassi_Hopee: Question for Alex: if you could write an episode of #H50, what would it be about?

Alex: I would dress Danno up as a woman and send him undercover in a prostitution ring.

Caroline Kimani ‏@cawaki: question for Alex is your mother coming back to wreak more havoc???
Alex: We hope so!

Alex: In this episode we discover that Chin is actually the real Peter Parker

Eloisa Gutierrez ‏@ElomanisaG: It’s official. Alex O’Loughlin is the best tweeter EVER

Alex: Was there ever any doubt?

Maleja♪♥ ‏@MalejaOrtega1D: Alex how you feel to see that the series has been so successful and with the love of the fans
Alex: I’m forever grateful and very happy. We love our jobs and it’s good for Hawaii.

Alex: Rollins need to learn how to turn a wrench…if she wants to drive a classic

Alex: This is a great scene. Look at the business socks!
Alex: That means it’s business time

Hannah Clarke ‏@HannahDavida: Alex, is it easy for you to do the American accent? You’re really good at it!
Alex: Yes! Thank you.

jenn jenn harvey ‏@harvey_jenn: what is your Hawaiian name?

Alex: Yes. It’s Kekau

Stacie Baughtman ‏@Sbaughtman: Alex how much fun do you have on the set? Do yall play more then work?
Alex: Always. We have loads of fun. We get in loads of trouble too.

David B ‏@DMan016: Alex whats it like working with such a great cast?

Alex: They’re the best. Look at the work they do!

Michi Prante ‏@michiprante15: Did he really just shoot one guy through the other?!

Alex: Wasn’t that bad @##– that was McGarrett’s idea.

Alex: My thumbs are getting sore. My thumbs aren’t used to this pic.twitter.com/zjDSHXaNez

Alex: I’ll take the best request to prove that I’m in this moment with everyone

Peter M. Lenkov ‏@Plenkov: Alex is twerking during the commercial break

Retweeted by Alex and added: You’re welcome

Alex: My favorite scenes to shoot are scenes with Danno in the car because they move so fast.

K Scofield ‏@KScofield2: Holy shit Mcg just took down Chi – he da man!!! crazy mcgarrett is back!
Alex: It was nothing personal. I just gotta help out my girl.401-kick

Alex: Scott’s very funny in this scene

Karen Yin ‏@yin_karen: why does Steve love Danno so much?
Alex: They’re partners. They’re the brothers that neither of them ever had

Missy ‏@MamaDay831: I predict you dropping the love bomb…..

Alex: She’s gotta work on her tan before I drop the L word.

Alex: I gonna miss that car, but you’ll be happy to know that Danno…we…get a braaaand new one

Peter M. Lenkov ‏@Plenkov: Alex is crazy fun. You wouldn’t believe what he’s doing now …
Alex: My children are more mature than I am

Julianne Foley ‏@julsfoley: Okay, after you’ve watched an episode, who thinks the most about a scene they wish they’d done differently?
Alex: I don’t think any of us really do. There’s too much work ahead of us to think about what we’ve completed

Alex: Between this Camaro and Danno’s next car we’re going to be rolling in dad’s Marquis

AmandaLinn ‏@xAmandoLinn: I love your bromance between Danno and Steve!.. Is it the same off camera as well!?
Alex: Yeah. We don’t argue as much off camera.

Alex: How often do you see that on TV?

Jessy Monteith ‏@jessyscott: Are we going to see a season 1 Mcgarrett this season? meaning the crazy Mcgarrett that makes Danny go nuts?
Alex:It depends how much coffee I drink

Alex: There’s a scene coming up on the football field where Nestor punctured his lung

Alex: When I jump on the helicopter that’s actually me hanging on


Alex: Who’s the bad b#$% now

Alex: Nestor did that fight scene with a punctured lung. He’s a true tough guy!

Annette Holloway ‏@AnnetteHolloway: Does #AlexOLoughlin do all his own stunts?
Alex: No. Not anymore– I have a kid.

Jessy Monteith ‏@jessyscott: Any other dance tonight exept the “twerk” Alex?!! we can’t wait to see it !
Alex: No dancing. Only nudity

Gina ‏@giinnnnaaa: HE LANDED THE CHOPPER

Alex: I’ve flown a few times

Alex: This is Academy Award-winning makeup artist Jeff Dawn’s work on Wo Fat. It’s fantastic

Alex: They use that plane to transport cattle to and from the Mainland. It smelled like urine. It was the worst.

Alexis Hilyard ‏@sunflowerstarrs: #AlexOLoughlin are you thinking of making any movies soon?
Alex: As soon as I get time. I can’t wait to do another movie.

Alex: This is Toast–he’s one of my favorite characters. We should bring him back.

Sara ‏@iamsara_c: have you or anyone else been seriously hurt on the set?
Alex: Yes. Many times over

Alex: To all the Five-0 fans out there: Without you there is no us. We love you!

I think this was such a nice fun event. Hope we will experience something like this again. Like I said in the beginning there are so many of us living so far away, and we will never get the opportunity to ever see Alex in real life. So interacting with him like this is a great bonus!


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin, From his lips, Hawaii Five-0