Daily Archives: October 12, 2013

403 – McNom-noms!

Oh wow. Plot-smot was actually pretty good. I like these kind of hidden treasure stories. Obv was very pale in comparison to Da Vinci´s Code, but a good effort for a 40 minute TV show 🙂

But the main attraction was Mr McG in all his glory. Could be my hormones took over, I could hardly leave anything un-captured today, I kept coming across more and more mclovelies (the stuff McG is made of) 😀

We have wished for every episode to start with shirtless Steve, and our prayers got answered…mmmm….403-bed403-bed2And how long have we waited for Steve to sport another tank top? Wishes do come true!403-guns2 403-guns 403-lying-smile403-kissI do like the carguments when they are not over the top (too much yelling). This was a mellow one and still so funny 🙂

403-cargumentMcSwagger enters the room. Poor Danny, always in Steve´s shadow (for me anyway 😉 )403-swaggerSo glad that Alex got to play a bit of non-serious Steve for a change.403-yes403-funny-mcgSchexy bamf. Yes, please…403-bamf2If only the camera had lingered a bit longer on his leg area!403-keyJorge did not disappoint. He fit this part perfectly. I think they should pair up Jerry with Toast in the same epi. Might be awesome comedy 🙂403-hugMr McRoll showing his support for Ms McRoll. (Did they give Alex a fake tan, cause the skin colour looks a bit odd…)403-support2


I give this epi


Filed under Hawaii Five-0, Steve McGarrett