PopWatch Duel: ‘Moonlight’s Alex O’Loughlin vs. Jason Dohring – 2008

PopWatch Duel:

‘Moonlight”s Alex O’Loughlin vs. Jason Dohring

by Mandi Bierly

25 April 2008


You remember how the PopWatch Duel works: We ask two costars for their picks on a certain topic. You decide whose list is better by casting a vote in the comments section. They try to tell themselves that they don’t care who wins.

In honor of Moonlight’s return tonight with the first of four new episodes we sat down with Alex O’Loughlin (left) and Jason Dohring (right) at New York Comic Con and asked them to each name five things that should live forever in pop culture. (They play vampires on the show. Get it?) Dohring’s worried that O’Loughlin sealed the win with his first choice, but we think we’ve got ourselves a fair fight. Their responses…


Five things that should live forever in pop culture:

Alex O’Loughlin

1. Velcro. I think we all know why Velcro is as great as it is. It’s just terrific. You can stick an entire dining set to the roof. Very versatile: Shoes, nappies… sex toys. Whatever you need.

2. Monkey (aka Monkey Magic). The greatest thing that ever happened to television. It’s a Japanese show [dubbed in English] about these characters Monkey, Pigsy, Sandy, and Tripitaka, and they fight wars against demons. Monkey was born in an egg on a mountain top, and he rides a cloud, and he has a staff that he keeps behind his ear and grows to full size. It’s the best show ever. I thought I was Monkey when I was a kid. He wears this gold crown, and I’d wear one and stake vampires.

3. The Adidas shell toe triple stripe classic. Great sneaker. Get a pair. In any color you want. I prefer the black stripe on the white shoe. I’m shootin’ for an endorsement deal. Go Adidas. Did I say “Go Adidas? Adidas. Adidas. Adidas. Go Adidas.”

4. The iPhone. It’s revolutionized the way we live. It’s a great Internet tool in your pocket. It’s a global tool. I take my iPhone everywhere.

5. The mullet. I grew up in a mullet kind of world, a mullet-y school with mullet-y friends. I had several mullets over the years, so I have a longstanding personal relationship with the mullet and I’m ready to mullet anytime. I can mullet right now. RIGHT NOW.

Jason Dohring

1. Designer shoes. Look at these f’in shoes. [Points to his sneakers.] Gucci shoes. I got into designer clothes, dude, and once you get into it, you can’t go back. I started kinda working out, and you wear a designer shirt, and you’re like Dude, this feels like it wants to fit to your body. So, like, I don’t have to work out as much, but it still looks good. It’s great…. Alex is gonna take me shopping me later today, and I’m really excited about that. Apparently, he has a pair of Paul Smith flower shoes that he just bought, and he can actually pull them off ’cause he’s Australian, you know, and they kinda do things that we don’t do here in the States. I’m trying to get some fashion tips.

Warner Brothers Presents the World Premiere of "Speed Racer" - Arrivals

I guess this was the Paul Smith flower shoes Jason talked about. The picture of Alex’s shoes, was taken on the red carpet at the ‘Speed Racer‘ Premiere.

2. Love and morals. I was just thinking that I’d put a couple of things on here that I thought were real. If those go out, our society’s gone, dude. You wouldn’t have families. It sucks to see so many people break up. It doesn’t set a great example for people…. Love, even as friends — how enjoyable is a great conversation with a friend? There’s nothing better, dude. You can buy all the whatever you want, but sitting around with a cigar and chattin’ with my boy, here, is a really good time. We film till really late, so we’ll sit around on the WB lot at 2 in the morning, when nobody’s there, and just look up at the WB sign and go, “What the f— are we doing here?” It’s beautiful.

3. Scratch ‘n Sniff stickers. That was from when I was a kid. The grape ones, man, I was really into those. I think those are dead, so let’s bring ’em back, boys. And you had all the blond jokes about them, as well. “How do you a kill a blond? You put a Scratch ‘n Sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool.” [Silence] That was kinda lame.

4. The banjo. No, I don’t play, but if you’ve ever seen a guy play the banjo or a fiddle really well, man, it’s cool stuff. You wouldn’t have Deliverance without the banjo. [Hums]

5. Veronica Mars. Unfortunately, it didn’t last forever, but it seems when you walk around a place like Comic Con that it does. Art’s the kinda thing that stays with people. You emotionally invest people and you emotionally invest yourself in something, and then it lasts. That’s pretty amazing, actually, isn’t it?

Okay, who wins the Duel? Alex O’Loughlin or Jason Dohring?



Filed under Alex O´Loughlin, Interviews, Mick wants to kiss you gently with his fangs.

18 responses to “PopWatch Duel: ‘Moonlight’s Alex O’Loughlin vs. Jason Dohring – 2008

  1. LOL! You know who wins don’t you?
    The funnier one!
    And No! Alex! Don’t you dare to mullet, just stick it with velcro on top of your roof! 😀


  2. karen1228

    Of course Alex cause I can’t live w/out my iPhone and love Velcro. But I do love Jason’s shoes 👠!


    • I like Alex’s shoes. Only a real man can wear flower shoes. 😉


      • karen1228

        leiCa – the flowered shoes belong to Jason not Alex though you’re right Alex would be able to pull them off even better tha Jason did!


        • The flowered shoes belong to Alex, and he wore it to the Speed Racer Premiere in April 2008 as I have written in the caption under the picture.
          This is what Jason said above in the duel:
          Jason: ‘Alex is gonna take me shopping me later today, and I’m really excited about that. Apparently, he has a pair of Paul Smith flower shoes that he just bought, and he can actually pull them off ’cause he’s Australian, you know, and they kinda do things that we don’t do here in the States.’ 🙂
          PS. I think I should add a full length picture of him as well.


  3. debras57

    Of course Alex and the first question. Sex toys stuck with velcro to the roof. lol Ever notice how much he talks about sex, as in the one comment way back in an interview that some kinkiness is good for couples. Alex and sex just go together…


  4. Romi

    Alex is testosterone on legs!
    He must have a lot of sex, cause he makes lots of references in a whole lot of interviews on the subject.
    If he was a bit younger he could have played Christian Grey, with the Red Room of Pain! That would have been a party for him and not work!


    • debras57

      The perfect Christian Grey…even now with the touch of grey in his hair. I agree he does make a lot of references to it, and the hula hoop video spoke volumes.


    • debras57

      Forgot he did make one comment just after getting married that good sex in a marriage meant a good marriage.


  5. buttercup4u

    I love these two together, the chemistry was just fabulous! Thanks for the great interview, so many stuff I haven’t seen!


  6. karen

    Hope Malia has a lot of energy! lol


    • debras57

      Maybe that’s why she is so thin, he’s wearing her out. lol Love the bloopers with him grabbing his crotch in the outtake and the beep noise when he did it. Sound effects… Lucky woman that Malia!


  7. vanduyn

    Awesome post FOYeur!! I had forgotten about this 😀 Sex toys and velcro! LOL


  8. Logan Echolls

    My vote goes to Jason. The character that he brought into life in Veronica Mars is immortal and will therefore outlive its creator, Rob Thomas, who really blew it when he tried to kill him.
    What he won’t accept is that the Logan Rob created would never have let him get killed that way.
    He has risen from a psychotic jackass in high school to an ace intelligence and security officer and it does not make an ounce of sense that he wouldn’t have checked Veronica’s car before getting into it, ticket or no ticket.
    It makes far more sense that, unbeknownst to him, his superiors took advantage of the bomb spree Logan’s wife was investigating and arranged a fake death so that Logan could assume a new under-the-radar identity.
    It’s a heartbreaking scenario, because V has been subjected to so much loss, but not as bad as Logan being blown to bits.
    I get that Rob had an idea and that, as the show’s creator, he had every right to murder me.
    But he has very publicly admitted that he took a huge gamble, and that if the fans turned against him, he will have lost the bet.
    These things happen. Plenty of shows have been ruined because of one bad call. Rob is not alone.
    But in this particular case, the wrong could actually be righted. If the writers come back to the table for even just one special episode to show the world that Logan is still alive, it would be a massive salve for all of the devastated fans (who are still commenting about it every day, by the way).
    Yes, the fact that they are still so upset is a testament to the show’s previous success. But that ending Is simply not appropriate for it.
    If anyone out there with the power to fix it can hear me, please fix it. It would be so worth it. There would be a shit ton of publicity over it. I understand if by now you are ready and done with Veronica Mars, but please don’t let it end this way.
    Regardless, Jason wins. He is right that Veronica Mars and Neptune and all its characters will live on. And that no matter what, Logan is immortal. In the minds of people who loved and cared about him, he always comes back.


    • Hi Logan.
      Glad you could get all that off your chest!
      But as you can imagine, we being neither a Jason Dohring nor a Veronica Mars site, it is of no real interest to us. 🙂


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