H50 5.18 – Steve McNoms and gecko peek

Well, miracles happen in HI, or the H50s are some extremely lucky people. Both Chin Ho Kelly and Danny escaping their grim future so miraculously  😉 But enough of the incredible stories and let´s focus on my main attractions. It was nice to see gecko getting some exercising. But I think they could have taken this opportunity and given us shirtless Steve, just for a few minutes. Wasted opportunity, once again…

Anyway, here´s a hurray for the sideboob and McGecko!  😀



You gotta serve Navy SEAL with a bit of patriotism 😉


Loved the jacket, he looked extra hot 🙂


Fab faces and random pretties…

Oy…mom still keeps an eye out for her son…



Filed under Hawaii Five-0, Steve McGarrett

17 responses to “H50 5.18 – Steve McNoms and gecko peek

  1. Raindrops on roses, Whiskers on kittens,
    Sideboob, McGecko, and Hot!Legs McGarrett,
    These are a few of my favorite things.
    But the rest of this episode made me feel sooooooooo sad…….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pretty much the only saving grace in this episode was Steve. Again. Sigh.

    Great captures. Thank you. 🙂


  3. Reblogged this on alixia94's Blog and commented:
    Éternellement divin, superbe ! Splendide. ! Tuant ! Etc….


  4. I enjoyed this episode, shame it was rushed towards the end…Steve rocked as always and sideboob and McGecko making a brief but welcome appearance


  5. Colleen

    Great pictures. I could stare at them all day. The best part of the episode for me was Steve hugging Grace and whispering he loved her. That put the silliest smile on my face and I wished yet again that I could switch places with her. Lol.


  6. Beautiful gifs!!! Mahalo!!!! And the young man is no ka oi as well (the best)…Love the McBonding….go ahead, Intense…thank you as always!!!!


  7. vanduyn

    Awesome gifs!!


  8. gracenotpark

    I loved the McG…he was awesome in this…and the Doris reveal at the end. Very fun to rewatch, now knowing Joe is chatting up Doris thru this whole thing, and note how unsuspecting poor darling McG is… I hope they don’t just drop this whole thing now! (LOL!!! can y’all believe I even bothered to hope that?) 😆


    • I am so with you on that Grace – some small hope to still rescue mom’s character.
      I kind of knew it was Doris behind it – well since Peter tweeted that “everybody” gets involved in the rescue, I suspected she might be around.
      And then I just caught on tweet mentioning Doris – spoilt the surprise for me, before I watched (foolish of me to check on twitter before watching 😦 )
      But Alex’s face – that subtle change when he hears it – “rescued” the surprise for me – Alex does it so well – saying a 1000 words with just his face! He is such a great actor.


  9. Kath40

    Thank you for the great gifs Paula ♥
    YAY! We got tatt peeks and this time it’s the gecko 😛
    The new jacket….defiantly HOT!
    Also loved Uncle Steve comforting Grace ♥


  10. I am really jealous of that wind playing with the shirt – carressing his body! 😛


  11. I wanted to really like this episode. I thought it was really good however, Lenkov tweeted it would be a tear jerker and a twist at the end. Well, it is hard for me to connect to Danny feeling torn about murdering Reyes when it all happened off screen. I didn’t connect emotionally to this episode at all. At the end, I really thought we were at Steve’s house and the twist was Doris sitting there waiting for him. Now, that would have been great. But, it was Chin’s house.

    Is it really a twist the Doris was the one helping? Of course not but the fact that Joe picked up the drive in Hawaii tells me Doris is in Hawaii and probably has been the whole time. In one breath Joe says you need to trust me and in the next breath oh by the way your mother has been the one helping you and in contact with me. Sure Joe, I trust you now lol

    And the preview for next week tells me it is just going to be another crime of the week and no mention of anything that happened this week. I hope I am wrong but…..

    I loved the opening of Steve mentoring the kid, I forget his name. That was sweet.


    • I wanted to really like this episode.<<<<<>>>> I didn’t connect emotionally to this episode at all.
      I wanted it to be the episode apart from 100th that saved season 5 for me as far as character connection goes, but it did not. Maybe I expected too much from it?
      7 episodes left this season – there is still hope. 🙂


  12. I am trying to leave the expectations at the door. I read his tweets after the episode so I wouldn’t know anything. Wow, 7 more episodes, let the countdown begin. I wonder of they wrapped filming yet?


  13. buttercup4u

    I love the tight polo he wore in the beginning! The color could have been lighter, but hey- one has to take what they give us 😉


  14. I loved the episode I think I was on the edge of my seat exspecially with Danny. Then with Gabe doing what he did. Though I wish we could of seen them save Danny. But what matters is he was saved by those who care. Thanks again for a great episode.


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