Monthly Archives: October 2017

And more GQ hotness to enjoy

Forgot to post the latest unpublished GQ photoshoot pics by AOLO. Maybe there´s even more to come 😀

I especially love the top one…mmmm….

You can find these and other beauties on their flickr albums


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin

Was #H50 Episode 8:04 the best for the season thus far?

I enjoyed this episode purely for the fact that Alex got the chance again to do a bit more than just running around and looking gorgeous all the time. But together with it I also felt tired for his sake at the end of it all.

It was as if I experience through Steve the burden of having to carry all the issues of his Ohana, old and new, all alone. Just as I have a feeling that Alex seems to be carrying the weight of the show at the moment. Every episode this season – and we are only at #4 now – he seems a bit more tired than the one before.

Some random thoughts while watching the episode ………

  • Looking at the “previously” on part of the episode: I thought that the words ‘7 years ago’ would have been much more appropriate than “previously” on and then when they switched to the Aaron Wright flashback, maybe just say ‘a few weeks ago‘. It was all just a bit confusing in the end.

  • …… And also after realising that they killed off Toast, I would have liked a few more flashbacks of his other work with Five-0. Many say that they killed off the wrong character and that he could still have been used better, but I think they actually managed to find one where we could really feel Steve’s pain with. In other words I think it was a good choice, especially because he was popular, but has been under-used over the years in any case. The widespread reaction to it, just shows that it hit a home run with fans as well, as they feel the loss. Killing off Kamekona’s franchise shrimp truck would really not have felt like they lost a family member. And killing off another under-used character like Nahele would have been really brutal.

  • I can understand Steve’s wish for Junior to go through HPD training – to bridge the gap between military and police work. But really saying that Junior is raw material is maybe stretching it. Isn’t SEAL training some of the toughest combat training ever. In other words he is not raw, but highly trained. Of course the physical and weapons training part of the course will be boring and a breeze for him! DUH!

  • I found it funny that Steve knew what the instructor meant by ” he reminds me of you” – On the other hand of course he would show the same traits. They completed the same training and experienced war? So again – DUH!

  • And to Lou’s surprise, Steve is also surprised at why Danny would want him as a partner, if he does not want to take risks. (Dear Steve, please note that this restaurant partnership thing will be with us for the rest of the season (It replaces the transplant gag as “comic relief” and to show us all just how much Steve and Danny actually love each other and are connected – or how much they are in love or something. Because the constant display of rude animosity between them and cartoon like attempts at “therapy”, killed the natural brotherhood and respect as partners, a long time ago) And if they end the series with the two of you retiring as restauranteurs – it will be our wonderful parting gift from the writers for the rest of our memories of this series 😥 )

  • Steve hearing the shots fired at Toast and him being killed immediately took me back to Steve hearing his father die over the phone …..

  • Toast’s position is ten minutes from where they are – but then suddenly we hear gunshots close to them, directly with the naked ear?

  • Lou’s little nod to Noelani to cover Toast’s dead body – Oh Lou how I love you! You really care for your friend, Steve!! And Alex, your subtle display of grief – masterful acting!!

  • Can someone tell me why Tani (a female and a rookie) was left alone with a male prisoner (Aaron) without  any HPD guards for back-up. I really do not like it when they let Steve make such stupid and out of protocol decisions, just for the sake of the plot ….

  • A long con? How would Wright have known that he was going to be captured in the first place? And why would a well know master hacker criminal who was able to break somebody from prison with just his computer and hack Five-0 as well, be allowed to use a computer and the internet while in prison. Are the prison system really that dumb?

  • The whole Kamekona storyline was full of heartwarming fuzzy feelings even though we had to see the big guy suffer. I was just wondering in the end, did they just leave him there in the woods to walk home,or did they drop him off safely at home after not killing him?

(Peekaboo tattoo)

  • In the end Steve was willing to take desperate measures to save Kamekona, and then also found time to help and console everybody else. At least he’s got Eddie to look after him now I guess …….

Thanks to some very observant fans, who spotted the newly acquired (somewhere after start of filming this season, because it was not there in the first episode) two dotted tattoo on Alex‘s ring finger. Interesting. Did he get any other new ink that we do not know of?




Filed under Alex O´Loughlin, Hawaii Five-0

#H50 8.04 – Steve missing friends

Not a lot of treats in this episode. I did like the oven sales scene with Steve and Grover 😀 But otherwise this episode wasn´t really interesting to me. Killing off Toast with just some backflash scenes felt underwhelming…such a waste of a great character.


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin

New unpublished #AlexOloughlin photos again!

A couple of days ago AOLO published 3 new photoshoot pics, supersized. And as usual, posting them here a bit late. Thank you for sharing these beauties 🙂


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin

#H50 8.03 – Steve´s crush

Last week we witnessed McEddie being born, last night we saw the man crush between Steve and Harry 😛 and the continued McDanno queerbaiting :/

I enjoy Alex faces 😀

Mutual man crush 😀







Filed under Alex O´Loughlin