#AlexOLoughlin as Kevin – Only A Few Good Ones ….

If only there were more of these perfect Kevin pics around.

He looked so fabulous with his scruff and messed up hair 🙂


These were the only few promo pics I could find.


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin

9 responses to “#AlexOLoughlin as Kevin – Only A Few Good Ones ….

  1. My favorite all-time look for Alex. Thanks for starting my morning with me gasping for air!!


  2. vanduyn

    Loved him as Kevin Hiatt! Thanks so much 😀


  3. Nichole Sloan

    Love them


  4. gracenotpark

    Sigh…so few pics cos he was not heavily featured. A shame. His more frequent presence woulda made the show more watchable for me. But he was an intriguing character. I enjoyed what little we got!


    • I think it was a great “school” for him about what it takes to do a show like that. If I remember correctly, Alex said he learned a lot from Michael about what it thakes to be #1 on the callsheet.


  5. Colleen

    Wow Alex was gorgeous. Thanks for these. By the way I saw this earlier and thought of you girls. https://www.thedodo.com/cats-basically-magic-930287101.html?utm_source=HuffPo

    Liked by 1 person

  6. debras57

    The sunglasses pic, now that’s a sexy hot look…


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