Alex O’Loughlin: And then came #H50

Alex O’Loughlin: What’s Next?

TV Guide Magazine
by Lisa Bernhard
8 December 2009
(Sorry, I can no longer find the link to the original article. 😦 )
What’s to become of heartthrob Alex O’Loughlin now that CBS has mercifully pulled the plug on his organ-donor drama, Three Rivers? Says CBS president and CEO Leslie Moonves, “We still have his upcoming movie!”-referring to The Back-Up Plan, the feature film from the network’s new movie division, CBS Films. In the romantic comedy, Jennifer Lopez plays a baby-mama wannabe who meets Mr. Right (O’Loughlin) after becoming impregnated with the help of a sperm bank.
That’s a bit of a drag, given that O’Loughlin’s character would’ve been one hot biological papa. Alex spends almost half of the movie with his shirt off,” says Moonves, with a wide smile.“I mean, I’m a straight man, but even I, you know….”
As for putting O’Loughlin back on the small screen, Moonves half-jokingly says, “I don’t know, should we bring Moonlighting back?” (O’Loughlin’s short-lived vampire drama was actually called Moonlight, but who are we to correct a network head?)
In the end, Moonves offers some assurance that Australian native O’Loughlin won’t be shipped back to Oz any time soon. “He’s in the family,” Moonves says.
My Thoughts
  • Of course at that stage Les already knew that Alex would be shipping off to Hawaii 3 months later to film the pilot for Hawaii Five-0.
  • My question is, will Alex still stay with the CBS family after Hawaii Five-0? With the Network there might be better job security and stability, but elsewhere there might be bigger opportunities. Some days I wish I could see the future ……..



Filed under Alex O´Loughlin

19 responses to “Alex O’Loughlin: And then came #H50

  1. gracenotpark

    It’ll be interesting to see what Alex decides to do after Show. I imagine it’ll partly depend on his family situation. When ever that will be… 😉


  2. Reblogged this on alixia94's Blog and commented:
    Gorgeous 😍 irresistibly, sexy….crazy love ❤


  3. It would be great to see Alex in something completely different when he finishes with Five 0 🙂
    Of course it will also depends if he’ll be willing to commute from Hawaii to main land. He might have to. Time will tell.


  4. vanduyn

    As much as I love seeing Alex weekly on my TV I’d really love to see him do another movie!


  5. Kathysr

    I have a sneaky suspicion that Alex would really like to do feature films. We don’t know what he’s been offered that he couldn’t do because of the insane schedule of his TV show. It takes soooooo long to do each episode that these guys only get a couple of months off and then it’s back to work. Scott really wants to do other things. I think they both want to do movies. They have a huge worldwide fan base now and they should be very bankable movie stars. We would love to see that gorgeous guy on the big screen, right ladies? I missed him in the Back Up Plan. And if he works on film sets, he can just take his family with him. And it’s only for a few months, not years of commitment to another TV show.


  6. cwtshjan

    Whatever he decides to do I hope it’ll be in front of the camera. I can’t imagine my life without seeing him regularly now, which is why I love that he’s on tv shows. Imagine the drought of pics and news if he only did films. Selfish of me maybe but it would be nice if he could do both. Alex seems really happy in Hawaii and his kids need to go to school so I don’t think they could travel from film set to film set. I guess that would mean one of two things. Either his family move to L.A. or he spends longish periods away from them. Either way Alex has tough choices at the end of this series. Hope he finds something that suits his life as well as his career.


  7. Magnólia

    Gostava tanto que Alex tivesse grandes personagens no cinema!
    Ele tem talento e carisma para isso.
    Vamos ver o que o futuro tem para ele.


  8. I just love the HUGE man-crush that Les Moonves has for Alex!
    And I LOVE the beautiful picture Paula git for us for this post – Partner you are the best!!


    • Kathysr

      It’s always a good thing if Les Moonves loves you! I think Alex has a job for the rest of his life at CBS. If he wants to stay in TV, they’ll create a new series for him. They did that for Michael Weatherly, a hugely popular star on NCIS for 13 years. I love him best on the show. He now is the star of his own hit series “Bull”, which they placed right after NCIS! I love his new show.
      Alex has been a dedicated, fiercely hardworking, loyal team player, and an inspirational leader on Hawaii Five-O for seven years. The set is a happy place because he sets the tone. So, I’m sure that CBS will do their very best to keep him happy, whatever he wants to do.


  9. lindae5o

    I hope Alex will be able to work in movies when Five-0 finishes. If he continues with television, I’d like to see him work for Dick Wolf, at NBC. His Chicago shows are good. But, Alex is loyal to CBS, and appreciative of the opportunities they’ve given him, so that may never happen. I honestly don’t know what they could offer him, that is worthy of his talent.


  10. I would love to see Alex do more movies, I’m sure he’d love that also. From what I’ve read, actors are usually torn between the job security of a long running TV series and the artistic adventure allowed them by playing different characters in movies. It’s interesting that we see DDK expanding beyond his H5-0 commitment and Scott as well, but we see very little from Alex on this. No doubt this is because Alex is oh so careful to protect his personal life. The only thing I remember seeing was that he had agreed to be part of an Aussie film and that was quite some time ago. I’m sure he’s had offers but with only 3 months off per season (early April to early July), it doesn’t leave much time for him to do other things. We know he’s tired at the end of shooting, he’s said so! He also thinks there are too many H5-0 episodes per season, he’s said that too. Actors want and need character exploration to be and stay excited about their work. Alex has said that having had all this time to show character development has been interesting for him. As long as H5-0 still makes money for CBS it will keep going. In case you haven’t noticed or don’t follow these things, H5-0’s ratings and demo are both up this season! It even won the night last week, and not only for it’s time-slot, but the whole freaking night!! Peter Lenkov even sent a letter to the cast & crew of H5-0 about how good a season 8 was looking for them. This is great news for those of us who want to see Alex on our screens every week, but how many of the cast wants to move on and is Alex one of them no matter what he says publicly? Time will tell, but Alex won’t until something is set in stone.


    • Kathysr

      Has anyone else noticed how many ads are now showing on CBS for Hawaii Five-O? They’re saturating my TV with great ads for the show, giving us gorgeous teasing tidbits for each upcoming episode, and then just general great ads for the show. I’m absolutely amazed. I don’t EVER remember seeing this much fabulous promotion of the show! Do you think maybe someone came here and read our little board? About what a great show it is and that it’s been basically abandoned by CBS for the past six years??? Mind boggling. I’m so happy that the numbers are UP!!! COOOL!!! How’s that to have a hit show on the RISE in the ratings after six years! That’s actually what happened on NCIS, too. Good going gang! We love you. Always have. Always will. Hopefully more of the rest of the world will start to discover you, too.


      • Unfortunately we and nearly half of our readers (who are form all over the world) do not see USA TV. It is good to hear rhat it is better advertised. I think lack of advertising and promotion of the show had a lot to do with the court case that has been hanging around the show for most of the past 6 years. Maybe now that things settled they can allocate proper funds to it.
        Interesting fact as far as I can recall is that Magnum had its highest ratings and viewers in the final season of the show – and it still got canceled. 🙂


  11. He is CBS’s star. He draws in the watchers. Think he would have been a terrific Bond. Exudes that sexiness Bond has with the ladies. It would be nice to see him in a series that is comedy. We all know he has a terrific sense of humour. Single Dad coping with daughters, and trying to figure them out, dating etc. One song comes to mind for me…. “I will follow him” by Peggy March. No matter who Alex is with I will watch it.


  12. Kathysr

    Wow, interesting input from Peter on an 8th season! Hmmm, now let’s see who wants to continue with the show. I’m 99% certain Scott’s gone. Sigh. I’ll deeply miss Danny. I fell in love with Danny first. The entire first season was Danny-centric, and I just fell totally in love with Danny and with Scott. I love the Danny/Steve dynamic. Danny has saved Steve’s life countless times. Uh oh, I feel a Danny digression coming on! Profound apologies to everyone who hates the character, I adore him.

    Danny knows he’s living on borrowed time. He should have died on 9/11, the day his partner was murdered. He was seconds away from death when the sirens roared by, distracting the guy who had a gun to Danny’s head. The chaos of 9/11 saved Danny’s life. Every day since then has been a gift and Danny knows it. He has very profound reasons to stay on Earth–his two beloved children. Steve doesn’t. He’s spiritually and emotionally untethered. And his Seal training has taught him that it’s honorable to die for a noble cause, so he just races into battle and chaos 100% of the time, when sometimes he should hold back and THINK it through, like Danny does. Bottom line for Danny–he loves Steve and couldn’t bear to see him die. I think Steve’s death would totally destroy Danny. That’s where all the kvetching comes from. A place of profound love.

    Ah, Alex is silent. We’ll have to wait and see. I suspect that he might consider one additional year, but beyond that, he wants to do new things. When you’re the star of a show, you realize that 200 people have jobs because of you. So it weighs heavily on the stars when they cancel their show and those people all lose their jobs. I’ve read many interviews by other actors who’ve said that. They’ve grown to become friends and family with all the crew. So, it’s a huge emotional tug of war to make the decision to shut it all down. A huge part of Alex’ decision will be his health. If he keeps injuring himself on the show, then I could see where he would want to quit, to give his body a rest.

    If Scott leaves this year and they go on to do an 8th year, I hope they can entice him back for four or five guest starring visits. Please bring Danny back occasionally, just to drive Steve crazy again!!! I actually have a great story idea which I’m going to send to Peter and the writers. By the way, ladies, I actually DO write to the producers and the writers and tell them what I want to see on the show. I did the same thing on NCIS, and they ended up doing a LOT of what I suggested! I’m seeing it onscreen now. Amazing!!!! If you have good ideas, people will consider them.

    Danny and Steve have always been 100% emotionally incompatible, which is the joy of watching them struggle with each other. Yet they also profoundly love each other, so the tension drives both of them nuts, although Danny always gives in to Steve, 100% of the time. That’s what makes ME laugh out loud. Danny bitches, argues, moans, complains and then says “Yeah, OK,” and does whatever Steve wants him to do. “Yeah, Steve, let’s go out and get me killed, all for it!!”

    I love these two guys.


    • I understand your enthusiasm for Danny (and Scott). Maybe not as much as you, but I felt the same way about them up untill end of Season 3.
      From the beginning of S4 up untill know, Scott’s lack of commiment to the show and the writers struggling to give him (Dannny) stories that fits in with his schedule at work, mostly killed my enthusiasm and love for the character and the partnership. Was also not impressed with the CGI inserts of him in some scenes. In my opinion they should have ended the character there and moved on with those actors and characters who are 100% commited to their work on H50.
      I enjoy Grover (and Chi) much more. His enthusiasm for Hawaii, his work and the character, and the sheer fun he brings to the show, I find far more entertaining and a pleasure to watch than mindless bickering between Steve and Danny, that as been stuck in the same rut for all these seasons. Grover’s bond and the fun of the competitiveness with Steve is so much deeper and adult, and also much more fun for me to watch
      I find that at the end of last season and beginning with this season, they are artificially (with a liver transplant) trying to bring back the bond between Danny and Steve that has been lost for the past 3 seasons. If they will succeed remains to be seen….


  13. kathysr

    I love Chi and Alex. Grover and Steve are great partners, with fabulous chemistry. And Grover is the best role model for Steve. He’s happily married with a great family. We all talk about what we want for Steve, but we really don’t know what Steve wants because he never tells us. I think he’s beginning to have regrets about paths not taken, from his comments in the hospital chapel.

    I JUST read an interview with Alex. He said that he signed for Season Seven and Season Eight, and then he wants to quit. He talks about his body and his back injury and says he just can’t keep doing this level of physical activity as he gets older. He mentions that he just turned 40.

    Here’s the URL:


    • Regina Filange

      I just read that same article. I have to say it breaks my heart but we can’t expect home to be the hottie Navy Seal McGarrett forever. I would love to see the show make it more than 8 seasons but I’m just being selfish. He has to think about his health and his family. Alex really needs to use his stunt double more often to preserve his body. I would be very interested to see what he would do or wants to do after five-0 is done. I think he could do just about anything. As long as it’s something that gets him taking his clothes off I don’t care. He needs to keep showing off that hot bod of his.😋😜😏💗💋💕


  14. Karen Downton

    I’m trying to remain objective about the article, I felt it was more written to grab fans attention and encourage panic. Sadly I do agree H50 won’t last forever and these people are only human so yeah I can understand from a health point that it would be taking it’s toll. I really can’t see H50 without Alex. even if he takes 6 months off and is mentioned in episodes like when Danny/Scott does. And Max/ Masi Oka is written out to be on savatical but he’s still a cast member so hey that might work too.

    These people have worked together for 7 years, I can’t imagine that they don’t have a friendship off camera. I think Alex would stay in Hawaii though. I guess we’ll just have to see what happens.

    Usually I can tell when a series is coming to an end. Years ago I was a huge fan of the TV series Roswell, and honestly by the third season it was obvious there wasn’t going to be a fourth season. That was also before the days of facebook and Twitter and Peter Lenkov does like to updates us on what’s coming up on Twitter and Instagram, I can just see him laughing at our reactions tweeting in. I bet he thinks he’s created a monster with H50.

    I wasn’t a fan of the original H50 as it was mainly before I was born, this version deals with issues of the here and now like terrorism and drug dealing, things that people can relate to and really connect with.

    That being said, if the actors are happy to keep going then I’m happy


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