Teeny-tiny badly decorated time-machine

This scene with Steve´s comments keeps cracking me up. I just had to capture a few stills and added bits of audio for my (and hopefully your´s too) amusement 😀


Some brief audio clips from this scene (Steve made me laugh 😀 )


Tiny time machine

Steve was told to enjoy the cinematic masterpiece, and he looked appropriately ashamed. For a second…

208-yuptill the birthing scene…


Something about the way he says disgusting just cracks me up every time, but it was the look he gave Danny that really brought the comedy.

Slightly sarcastic Steve working buddy´s nerves, need a tissue?

And then the arguing started…The dude just gave birth

That tiny comment from Danny “Animal”, like a little kid that had his feelings hurt 😀

208-buddies-arguingSorry for not including Danny´s angry voice more, but it kind of spoiled the bit of my fun listening to Steve :blush:


Filed under Buddies, Steve McGarrett

35 responses to “Teeny-tiny badly decorated time-machine

  1. He is so adorable ……
    The two of them together are just great!


  2. buttercup

    Alone the GREEN shirt makes this post a real jewel 😉 ! Thanks so much!
    But, huh, what is he doing in the 1st gif? This move he makes to cross his legs, seriously, Steve is doing everything with all the right effort, and he’s doing it “on purpose” to make us tingle with excitement 😆 !!! He’s extraordinary abilities with chairs (sorry, lounges 😉 ) are famous!


  3. marnov2205

    That’s a great scene and a great post – sooo hilarious and sooo beautiful 🙂 I will never not love these two together – or individually 😉


  4. These are wonderful, the only way it could have been better would have been him using his Aussie Accent. 🙂


  5. GREEEEEN shirt! ’nuff said!
    Pfft, kidding!!! Steve is such a goof in this, so funny, and all these faces!!!
    Thanks so much for the audio bits, I love his voice!


  6. I loved that scene. It cracked me up.


  7. venia

    Oh thank you so much for posting this scene. This is one of my favorite bromance moments from season 2 and just so far with the show. I loved steve reaction when he saw the male alien give birth and it was so funny when he saw danny gettion emotional over it. That was one of the best moments , and I love the argument afterwards that is one of their best scenes thank you for posting.


  8. venia

    I also want to add that I fell in love with danny to at this moment I said to myself you see he does feel he looks kind of cute sitting their getting emotional over a alien movie.


  9. SueB

    Okay top gif! Did he have to lift his whole body to cross his leg! Or was he making room for the Package! 🙂


  10. vanduyn

    I’m also going to say room for that PACKAGE! LOVE the audio clips Paula!! Thanks so much! 😀


    • I just learned an easy way to do the audio clips, so perhaps I will be adding more often now in posts. As long as I find the bits I like 🙂


  11. Karen

    Yep, Steve I need a tissue or something! From laughing so hard! This episode is definitely worth a re-watch!


  12. Lexy M.

    The bounce is because he enjoys having hips up. I choose to believe. 👏👏👏😜


  13. I’m a big girl, so I’m glad to know he’s got such strong legs and hip action for when I take a “ride” on his “lap.” 😉


  14. buttercup

    Hey Paula, I wanted to tell you that the Pilot “it’s been a while” gif on your tumblr is so perfect! His face looks extraordinary beautiful and his eyes are so perfectly illuminated, the best color ever! When I first started to watch H5O it was in the middle of s2 and later I went back to start from the beginning, and with this scene, I was hooked on 😆 thanks, very gorgeous!


    • TY! His eyes and face were just gorgeous in that scene. I loved we got to see Steve without his uniform jacket and cap 🙂


      • buttercup

        Yeah, white shirt (the one and only white uniform pic 😦 ) ! Steve and WHITE is something 😆 !!!


      • marnov2205

        In light of Buttercup’s comment, I dare ask a silly question about Tumblr: how the heck do you comment posts on Tumblr? Is that even possible? I’m totally useless with tumblers, twitters, facebooks, and such.

        But, Paula, I absolutely adore your tumblr post of two cats in a box – they happen to have the exact same colours like my own two cats. Oh, and that guy you keep on posting on your tumblr in not that ugly, either. 😀


        • This blog started because of my dislike in the user unfriendliness (if that is a word) of Tumblr. I also loved Paula’s work but thought that it wasted away on there.
          I told her, I would try to write stories, if she will move her work here. 😉 Twitter and FB is far more worth the effort to try out.
          Just my opinion. maybe if I tried to open an account there, I would feel differently. ;grin:


          • marnov2205

            FOYeur, this cavewoman thanks you for the info! Well, I was mostly just curious, I’m surely not opening any more accounts anywhere, at least as long as the day remains 24hrs short. Not to mention that social networks like FB and Twitter positively scare me. Your and Paula’s blog and a few other WP places are the only that I’m both technically able to use and also feel mentally comfortable there 🙂


        • Those two cats with the other one cramming in the box too, with those hilarious captions is really funny. Loved it!
          Yes, the commenting on posts are difficult. I think I got more replies on the tweeted links. There´s a message box when you go to my tumblr homepage where you can leave messages, but that´s of course not the same as leaving a comment on a specific pic.
          Ps That guy is my husband, nice right 😉


          • marnov2205

            Aha, thank you a lot!! Yes, that’s as far as I got, but I thought that it was weird and that I must be making a mistake somewhere. That guy is your husband, LOL!!, so please say hello to him for me 😉 !


          • buttercup

            I haven’t got the time and effort to start on twitter/facebook and honestly, I’m a bit scared too, that’s why I keep enjoying Paula’s tumblr occassionally and leave a message here, when something’s there I like very much! I’m not much into “Internet” but I love this page, marnov’s and bamf, where I “make my tours” daily and I’m enjoying it very much (because I enjoy this man so much with his awesome beautiful eyes)! So thanks to all of you,who make my life a lot more funny and for doing a lot of work to make us laugh 😆 !


          • Yeah tumblr is annoying, to comment on something works like crap, the AOL tag doesn’t work properly and and and…
            But I’m a humble follower of your blog and I love it!
            PS. Your husband is somewhat ok.
            I think.


  15. This scene is one of my all-time faves! It’s even more bromantic that it takes place not just on any old sofa/couch, but on a love seat for two! Ha, ha, ha!!! ;-D


  16. gracenotpark

    Way fun scene. Soooo good to revisit it today. Maybe I’ll go watch that ep… 😉


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