They Say ….. #AlexOLoughlin Is Kind, Humble & Sweet.

We have done posts before that mention the Toys for Tots Charity event in December 2007.
Here is another little story from that event …..
Alex O’Loughlin & Brandie Rodney-Ellis

“We went to a charity event at a go cart race track in So. Cal. Alex was racing as well as Skeet Ulrich. My sister asked him if he wouldn’t mind coming over to meet me because I had an injury and couldn’t stand for very long in the line to meet him. He was more than happy to oblige.

As he headed my way….he had on his huge beautiful smile. He was so kind, humble and sweet. Gave me a big hug and posed for 3 pictures.
He as is gorgeous in real life as he is on tv/film.
As we were leaving, we noticed him standing alone at a back entrance smoking a clove so my sister asked for one more pic.
He was so sweet and said “no problem”.…we chatted a bit. He said he was a little overwhelmed by all the attention……SO HUMBLE!!” 

— with Brandie Lynne Rodney-Ellis.
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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is from-brandie-rodney-ellis-dec-2007.jpg
Originally posted on Amazing O’Caan in July 2012


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin

7 responses to “They Say ….. #AlexOLoughlin Is Kind, Humble & Sweet.

  1. CassG

    This is something that we know goes without saying. That is why he is so loved and adored.💕💕

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Well, Alex, I am really happy you’re not Johnny Ramone. For a lot of reasons.
    One is, that I love your shirts more.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Cassiopea 1000

      I’m happy too that he’s not Johnny Ramone, for many reasons too, the main one being that he’s alive, even if he has decided to play dead for months.
      What an awesome man he is! It’s specially comforting to know there are people like him in view of what is happening.
      BTW, what is a clove? A clove cigarette like those you can smoke in India or Indonesia?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I think that’s it. I’ve been told clove helps when your asthmatic. Don’t know if it’s true.


        • Cassiopea 1000

          It might well be. Our distributor in India used to bring me lots of packs each year when we met at a fair, and sometimes my asthmatic boss looted my drawers in search of a cigarette or two. Problem with these perfectly legal cigarettes is that they smell exactly like a joint, though they contain nothing else than aromatic clove besides the tobacco. Not to be smoked when you’re expecting certain visitors 😂!

          Maybe at that time Alex still had some asthma problems, which would explain why he was alone smoking at the back entrance. The smell and all that, you know.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. jpaluchp

    He is definitely amazing men. When he speaks there is kindness and care in his voice. Thank you for sharing those stories. I am not loosing hope , that one day we could see him on the silver screen again.

    Liked by 2 people

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