Monthly Archives: January 2020

#AlexOLoughlin talks about Steve McGarrett on #H50

The transcript of a small part of an interview with Alex O’Loughlin from back in 2013, where he tries to explain his approach to his character, Steve McGarrett.


What makes him (Steve McGarrett) a hero, is the same thing that makes him human, you know. It’s why I’m always fighting for the humanity of this character. Of any character.

Now look, ultimately at the end of the day, this is a TV show, and that’s it, you know. But I have to approach it like it’s any other …. You know, I want it to be more than that all the time. And I try to …. I never watch it. I watch one episode a year, because I am at the premiere and I have to. Cause they take photos of me, and if I’m sitting there like this, [closing his eyes] it looks weird.

But I don’t like watching myself back. But I love doing it. I love being in the moment.

And so, the humanity, that’s the answer. The humanity of this guy is the same thing, that makes him a hero. And that’s the thing that makes him flawed as well.

So, I hope we get to explore more of that shades of grey, because that’s where it is interesting.

Link to Video:


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin, Hawaii Five-0, Interviews

They say …… #AlexOLoughlin is one of the kindest, coolest guys

This coming  Friday, Hawaii Five-0 will be back with a brand new episode.

It looks like it will be filled with loads of drama.

And just to refresh everyone’s memory of why we are here and why we support the show – we support one of the kindest coolest guys around.


  • From actress Robyn Lively – way back in 2017 while on set as a guest for Hawaii Five-0, Episode 8:16:

robynlively Really thinkin’ this should be the new ad for #hawaiifive0. It says it all! (We were trying to get the creepy interrogation chair in the bg but managed to get the creepy drain instead) Gotta say, #alexoloughlin is one of the kindest, coolest guy’s I’ve had the pleasure of working with. The cast and crew made me feel right at home! Mahalo! I’ll miss you all! 🤙🏼 #h5o #hawaiifive0


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin, Hawaii Five-0

#H50 10.13 late treats – more McPlaid


by | January 15, 2020 · 11:33

#H50 10:13 – Steve & Miss Manners

So I guess this episode was about etiquette – Elite Golf Club etiquette, how to handle bullying etiquette, divorce etiquette and Yakuza gangster etiquette. And maybe even some more subjects and the etiquette around it that we might have missed …. 😉

Not much more to say about the episode, other than that Steve looked gorgeous as usual.

And cute

After this lesson in social skills, we will have to wait until the last Friday of the month to see the next episode.


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin

#MickStJohn treat

The secret to Mick´s perfect skin? “Our vampires need to be covered with SPF 80”

This photo is a unreleased Moonlight promo photo, posted by our friend Jill and edited by us.


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin