#H50 – The Seven Year Itch

The sevenyear itch is a psychological term that suggests that happiness in a relationship declines after around year seven of a marriage. The phrase originated as a name for irritating and contagious skin complaints of a long duration.

The phrase has since expanded to indicate cycles of dissatisfaction not only in interpersonal relationships but in any situation such as working a full-time job or buying a house, where a decrease in happiness and satisfaction is often seen over long periods of time.

The past few days I have been in a constant debate with myself of whether to say anything further or nothing at all about the drama surrounding the departure of the two Asian actors from Hawaii Five-0. For us as fans, apart from all the unpleasantness that we have had to ‘endure’ online, the effect of it all was further enhanced by the exclusion of outsiders from the Season 8 Blessing ceremony this week. Since the beginning of Season 2, we have always been a part if this beautiful life event and the lack of any real news from the set this time, was kind of punishment for something that we had no part in.

But I do not want to complain too much or too hard about it, because I can fully understand the reasons for it all….

Not that I myself know a lot about it, but most of what I have seen online, shows the naivety and the lack of basic comprehension of the world of entertainment from so many. Most people chiming in with how they see things from their own perspective, without even the slightest knowledge of what is really going down at all. Most of the loudest comments from people who hardly watch the show. Many just hear slogans, and then they run with it all and spew out as much rudeness as they can find and condemn without the slightest understanding or insight of anything relating to the matter.

The only reliable real comments made during the whole process, were a post from Daniel Dae Kim on his Facebook page and a statement made by executive producer Peter Lenkov on  Twitter. Lots of articles from various places with information and speculation were also posted, but none of which is really verifiable, except for the statement by CBS and Peter quoted inside them.

Most people look at actors and see the lights and the glamour, but a few people ever really think of what lies behind those scenes …. of what those actors’ careers are about, how they got where they are or what they bring to the table and the industry. I will list just a few thoughts about my own perceptions and things that I have picked up over the years, especially these past 6 years of following Alex’s career. Most of it I feel is actually just common sense.

  • There is no job security in Hollywood. An actor’s security lies only in the contract he/she can negotiate at that specific time and then it hinges on them keeping to their part of the terms of that contract. And of course with a TV show, it also depends on the success of that show whether a contract will last the full term.
  • An actor is a business by themself – they are not employed in an organization. Although they might work with a group of people on a specific project, they are always on their own as a business, moving on to another set of people when that project is over. They are contract workers and have a job as long as they have a contract.
  • An actor’s skills, abilities and appearance are the product they have to sell. That together with the evidence of their past and present work are their product that they need to display and sell to keep on working. You can add to that their general charisma that might lift them higher than the sum of their attributes, and that might help them soar beyond others in the entertainment world.
  • By being their own business, all of them also need to negotiate a good agent who believes that they are marketable and who help to sell them and act on their behalf. A good agent should be able to advice an actor on what they are worth at the time and for what they should negotiate
  • And in some cases once they become successful, the actor’s business even employ assistants to help them to organize their lives and travels.
  • The road to becoming a successful actor is most of the time hard and an uphill battle, untill that one ‘person’ sees you and give you that chance. But still there are no guarantees that once you got that one chance, that there will be a next and a next and a next …. most of the time you are as good as your last job. And you hope that someone looking for a person with your attributes will cast you in their project and that together you can be succesful.
  • Only a few actors really achieve the highest accolades and can make demands as they wish. Then there are many actors who make an above average living from their career, as most of them are pretty well compensated for their work. But still there are a vast numbers who never break into the big-time and struggle to make a real living from it. There are also those who lose their appeal or value after being in a hit show and many just disappear into oblivion, just too happy to be cast in a guest spot somewhere on a show  – just too happy to still make a living from their career.
  • To expect anyone apart from yourself and your agent to negotiate on behalf of your contract with a network, is ludicrous and ridiculous. If such things happen, it is out of the norm.

I do not know much about Daniel Dae Kim or his career, other than what I have seen of him do during this show and the glimpses of things that he has been so generously  sharing with fans on social media. He looks like a genuinely nice guy with a good sense of humour and some great family values. He made a choice to leave the show after negotiations with the Network did not work out as he planned. He also made a choice and with one of the sentences in his statement, together with comments by fellow Asian actors and other friends and together with rumours, might have divulged the major reason for leaving: The path to equality is rarely easy”.

In my opinion in this industry a person can with one stroke of the pen, erase all the good that they have built over a number of years, just by trying to proof a point of why they are right. Whether they were right or wrong, does not matter and it will be perceived by those who read it from the view-point of where they stand, There are no winners in a case of somebody who claim to have been wronged by history. History is in the past and you can not rewrite it – the present are your only tool to set up a great future.

For Daniel’s sake, I hope he did not cause too much damage to his own career as an actor in the hope of supporting what he feels is a noble cause. There are many talented young actors just waiting in the wings for that break – there are no guarantees for the ones who already got their chance, to be chosen above the ones who are hungry for that one big break. Many young actors who are just eager to show their talent and be purely measured by that, rather by who they want to represent. They do not come with the baggage of their last job and the toes they might have stepped on.

Whether you think they are morally right or wrong, executives make decisions based on making money for their investors and providing entertainment to their audience. Business in a free economy, is about supply and demand ….

But maybe his acting career does not seem that important to Daniel anymore, since he is moving more into producing and he can be in a position of making the decisions, and being at the mercy of the investors and the audience rather than the casting director.

The risk is there that if the show fails after the two actors’ departure, Daniel might be labelled as the guy who killed the show, rather than one of those who helped to make it the success that it became – purely because of the reasons for leaving. Those people who so generously embraced him as part of their Ohana in Hawaii, might feel that he was a big part in them losing their show, just because he wanted more money (because his cause, might not be their cause) – and he might find that the friendly smiles to him and his family from ordinary hard working locals might dry up or just fade away. I have seen with actors like Alex and also Michelle Borth, how people who regarded themselves as their greatest supporters and fans (or even friends), can turn against them in the wink of an eye the minute they feel betrayed for some reason.

So I guess in the end, if the show is boycotted by those ‘many’ who cry inequality and it can’t survive the departure of the ‘Asian Cousins‘, the real people who will actually suffer, are those who were just to glad to earn a living from a hit show, filmed in their isolated Island. A show which not only provided a steady income to many for years, but also brought in lots of tourism and interest, with the show being a permanent advertisement for the beauty of the place. Many might forget that the show was maybe already on its last legs. The Network itself already made, and are still making, their money from the show – At this time they could not care less if it fails or succeeds.

As a final word, I would like to wish Alex and the rest of the Hawaii Five-0 team just the best for this season. The show is their livelihood and their passion. The showcase for their talent. Not only have they all lost a big part of their original cast, but Alex also lost two of the pillars who help him carry the load of the show since the beginning. I can just image the weight he must feel at the moment. Hopefully he and the rest of the cast and crew will get good scripts to work with and in the end will receive ample reward for all their hard work and provide us with lots of entertainment.

Having had enough of everybody’s ‘expert’ opinions on the matter of which most actually know nothing, I decided to make this post just as a statement of general thoughts to ponder – and hopefully made it clear that I am not passing judgment on either the Network or the actors. The Network and the two actors made decisions from their own perspective, and they (and the others whose real life are affected by it) have to live with it. You will therefore find that the comments to this post are closed.


Now that the itch got scratched, we would much rather just enjoy Alex and his work.

PS. After a debate with Paula just before posting, I decided to keep the comments open (for now)


Filed under Alex O´Loughlin, Hawaii Five-0

75 responses to “#H50 – The Seven Year Itch

  1. Great post FOYeur!
    As I said on another site: A lot of people seem to forget that the show is not just about some millionaires in front of the camera but more than hundred people behind it, those people ‘run’ the show and these people, most of them from Hawaii make a living because show is still on air. And Alex always was very aware of this! I think it fuels his endless commitment and support.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Samantha Stone

      Well said Foyeur! For me, it’s about perspective. DDK is a working actor..a working Asian actor…a working Asian actor living in Hawaii…a working Asian actor living in Hawaii who was reportedly offered a mere $195K an episode instead of $200K an episode.

      I like DDK and I’ve enjoyed his supporting character for the last 7 years but I’m a schoolteacher and my husband is a firefighter, so my heart doesn’t exactly bleed for the poor man. This has nothing to do with race. The bottom line is he should have gotten a better agent to negotiate his contract in 2010. I hope all the producers, writers, cast and crew kick ass in Season 8!


  2. Oh and btw, I think Chi McBride makes a great ‘pillar’! 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Ocean

    Beautifully written!
    Using your seven year itch analogy, some relationships (personal or work) implode at this point and dissolve, but many others adapt and adjust, and come out with a better understanding of each other, a maturity and comfort that allows them to go forward with more determination and energy than before. I’d love to see this happen with H50, for Alex’s sake as well as us fans!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I also would love to see them come out stronger. Maybe it will inspire Alex also more to “expose” himself more for the sake of the show – not physically but towards the press.

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  4. I suppose some will blame “the cousins”, as you put it, for the possible ending H5-0. But, without taking into account that Alex O has “dangled the carrot” regarding his staying or leaving the show for nearly a year, you are sounding a bit biased! The network, producers, writers, and primary actors still have the most to do with any show’s demise. As far as the people behind the scenes, i.e., extras, caterers, etc., they’ll probably do the same things they did after Lost was cancelled. Or, the original Five-O, Hawaiian Eye, and whatever movie sets employed them. When I visited Hawaii, I was informed that very little was paid to the extras, and I’d like to think caterers and other business affiliates are savvy enough to have more than one thing going at a time. So, even though I would never have begun watching H5-0 had it not been for Alex O (and, make no mistake, he’s still my idol) your inference that “the cousins” could cause so many problems for themselves and others, is a bit short sighted. In the end, it’s the combination of those things that will have the greatest cause and effect!


    • Comments like yours are exactly why I wanted to keep the comments closed.
      Obviously you did not read the post properly – I said it will be preceived that he was the cause and that people will forget that the show was maybe already on its last legs
      And you probably also did not read my thoughts to Mr Mike the other day in regards to the shows importance to people of Islands: https://alexoloughlinintensestudy.wordpress.com/2017/07/01/alexoloughlin-no-man-is-an-island-h50/#comment-43082


      • “Daniel might find that the friendly smiles that he and his family have endured may dry up” or words to that effect. This was said after alluding to hard working people losing their jobs because of Daniel’s decision to leave. No, it’s not that I didn’t read your post “properly”. But, rather that you’re now implying that those few words don’t carry much weight! I actually respect your blog, as I am an Alex O fan, and was happy to finally find a positive site in which to “sing his praises”! But, I can still lift Alex up without (however subtly!) bringing valuable his co-stars down.


        • Because I value everybody’s opinion I can see you really love Alex and I understand what you are saying, I will try to explain my words one more time.
          (Maybe my command of the English language is not good enough and I did not bring it across well enough.)
          I did not say what Daniel did was right or wrong or judge him for what he did or try to subtly put him down to make Alex look great. I can clearly see why he did what he did. What I was “trying” to say, is that after everything has settled, that the whole thing might backfire on him in the end, and that the cost of it all to himself and his acting career might become greater than he first antisipated. For me it would actually be sad if his gamble do not pay off. He really managed to built a great character and in my post the other day, I said I it is sad that they did not explore the connection between him and Steve more – it would have been great to see more of them together.
          My words in this post are: “For Daniel’s sake” and “The risk is there that if the show fails”
          Because I actually like what Daniel did for the show, I think he might have gone one step too far. In life if you do that, you are at risk to nullify great work that you have done up to that point.
          That is what I was trying to say, that in the end all the hard work and strides towards equality that Daniel did get in, by showing how valuable his character is on the show, might get lost in his final action. Not by what I say, but by what might happen to him. 😦

          Liked by 2 people

  5. Thank you Foyeur for your wise and thoughtful comments. Have been awaiting your response and admire your restraint in waiting for the right time. I just want Alex to be happy and hope that this change does not impact his career in a negative way. He has been so dedicated to the show, treasure that he is. You never know what’s around the next corner eh?
    Wishing all the very best to him and everyone at H50, and looking forward to all your news hounding in the upcoming season 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  6. 808

    Great post FOYeur.

    Obviously I don’t know the true facts, but if the rumours are true that Daniel was hoping for equal pay to Alex then I’m not the least bit surprised the Network declined (and, honestly, I’m glad they did because Alex deserves the most pay IMO).

    If he was so unhappy with his pay, why wait until now, 7 seasons in, to raise the issue? My feeling is that Daniel knew he had nothing to lose. If CBS agreed to his request/demands then all good, he’d continue on H50 for another (probably the last) season, but he knew he has his other projects to fall back on if not.

    Anyone who watches the show, or is familiar with the show, would know that both Daniel and Grace’s characters were considered supporting roles. Yes, they have a similar amount of screen time etc but they’re still not the leads. If the roles were reversed, and Alex and Scott (“the white guys”) were cast in the supporting roles, I am positive the outcome would have been the same. This isn’t about race. It’s business. My pay scale doesn’t reflect that of my manager even though I pretty much do the same job she does. Do I think I’m worth more? Of course I do, but I’m not employed as the manager so I know I’m not going to get more pay.

    It’s sad that after 7 great seasons on the show, all that people are talking about is their race. If I were Daniel (and Grace), I’d want the fans to be remembering my work and looking forward to my new projects instead of causing uproar over something we know nothing about (the facts).

    Like you, I feel bad for the local crew who will be looking for work when the show ends. None of these keyboard warriors will have thought about this, but you can bet Alex will have. If Alex and Scott quit the show like many think they should, that would mean that hundreds of locals would find themselves unemployed. And why should they quit? Just because they are more financially secure than most of us, it doesn’t mean they don’t have bills to pay. For all we know, Alex may have tried to help with the negotiations, but I doubt it. Like you said, expecting anyone other than the person and their agent to negotiate a deal is ridiculous.

    I hope the remaining cast and crew have a wonderful time filming season 8. I can’t wait to enjoy the ride.


  7. Connie Fields

    I enjoyed reading this fresh perspective without all the negativity as in previous things I have seen. And agree with you. Thanks for posting. And as you, I wish Daniel and Grace all the best and wish Alex and Scott continued success with the show.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Ally

    Thank you FOYeur! You have read some of my same thoughts. Over the past week I have seen many comments from different boards and blogs, but many people fail to realize this is a business and it’s rarely that simple. It’s interesting that no one has taken issue with the people managing the actors careers. The actors are just cogs in a wheel. In the end the network is the corporation writing the checks and all actors (employees) are disposable. I have yet to work for any business where there is a difference in pay and those that came in at lower pay eventually make equal to someone in the same position that was already earning more. In the end it’s all about profit margins and making the company money. Being a black woman in the U.S. I understand what a path to equality envisions and it not pretty.

    As usual I post so rarely that this one is longer than I wanted it to be. When I heard this show was coming on and I saw that Alex was going to be in it I told my sister, “Now I’ll watch him in this show, since he’s not a vampire”. I remembered the episodes that I have liked generally show more of him. I remember that this man thought it was so important to make this show authentic and great that he’s missing two of his real front teeth, he’s had many injuries, and now a back injury that I pray he never needs surgery for especially at a young age. He battled a dependence on pain medication due to his work ethic and need to put in 200%. This is the only fan board I post on and it’s dedicated to Alex. I realized Alex is the reason I watch the show and I’m sticking with him. I’m tired of seeing the negativity and anger. I’m looking forward to season 8 and new beginnings whether it’s the final season or not.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. mamayorkie

    I am so glad that you mentioned one of my pet peeves. That is the unreliability of putting too much stock in the interpretations of others who make statements regarding a situation where they have no first hand or attributable knowledge based on hard facts and not just their personal suppositions. That’s why I will only give credence to what I see in quotes in an interview. I am not interested in what a reporter, fan or minion thinks someone said. In research we go first to primary sources and only then to secondary to support our arguments. Here we have official statements made by DDK, PL and CBS. It is for each of us to weigh and decide what we think it all means. Relying on what others think is lazy and dangerous. I have reached my own conclusions and hope everyone else does so too.

    Personally, I have moved on from this drama and I am going to put faith in my belief that if S8 is truly the end, then the writers must give us the best and most spectacular send off. They owe us—– big time.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. mamayorkie

    Just for fun, and to break the tension, to which outlet will PL give his first interview of the new season? I can hardly wait for the ” “‘ !
    (takes so little to make me happy)


    • Kimphin1

      let’s start a pool, which outlet will get the S8 “big turn” interview??? LOL.


      • mamayorkie

        CarterMatt? I don’t think I have read anything that he has written on the subject (not sure) but the ranks of PL’s usual “go to’s” is becoming thin. Or maybe Parade? They did damage control last time.
        Well, this time there is certainly a ;big turn!


        • LOL – you two are evil.
          As much as I am not Peter’s greatest fan, I kind of feel sorry for him, because I think this whole thing dropped him somewhere between the devil and the deep blue sea. And I think it was good that he (with ethe Blessing) seemingly protected Alex and the cast from having to answer questions that has got nothing to do with them. Not exactly sure if the press was not invited or not interested to be there, but I guess, not invited.

          It is hard enough for him to explain his own actions most of the time – how much harder it must be to explain the actions of others. Actions that must have inconvienced him and his writing team a LOT. Maybe it will inspire them to think bigger again and write some awesome stuff (a fangirl can dream)

          Liked by 1 person

          • mamayorkie

            Evil? Us? Just because Kimphin and I share the bench outside the Principals office? We can squeeze in a few others if anyone else wants to join us in thumbing our noses at authority!

            Liked by 3 people

            • Kimphin1

              Oh, I believe he would have much rather this never happened.
              As to whether this will shake lose some inspired writing.. well, the proof will be in the pudding.

              Sitting down next to MamaYorkie now….

              Liked by 1 person

  11. cathy

    Analyse intelligente Foyeur.
    je continuerais à regarder cette série. Sa survie ne doit pas dépendre du départ de 2 personnes !! ça serait pénaliser tous les gens qui bossent sur cette série et qui s’y investissent corps et âme. (producteurs, scénaristes, acteurs, équipe techniques et casting)

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Marjorie

    Have read some comments on different media stating that this will be the end of this fantastic show which I have watched since season 1 ,a lot of them state that Alex should back Daniel and Grace and also give some of his income per show to make up the difference, well this is so wrong it is not up to Alex to sort other actors problems and cut his earnings for them , they have teams to do that for them in negotiations with the company, if it don’t work for them then it’s their choice to either stay or go .l wish them both good luck and wish them well .l will watch and carry on watching this show till the end ,l love Alex and care for Scott and l will give my view on the new season when it finishes, l have been a fan of Alex since he made Oyster Farm and l will not turn my back on him now

    Liked by 4 people

    • Cassandra

      I agree with you Marjorie 100%!!! I am so done with the rhetoric! I do wish DDK and GP well, but my heart and soul is with AOL and S8 and I am hoping for the best they can bring on!!

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  13. Kimphin1

    Well said, FOYeur. I’m pretty disgusted at all of the armchair entertainment lawyers and agents out there, as well. Unless you have walked in DDK’s shoes, his experiences are not for us to judge or negate.

    I’m sad that a character that brought adult scenes, and deep meaningful friendship/comeraderie/commectoin to his father with Steve, is gone.

    Liked by 6 people

  14. Sue

    Great comments FOYeur. Sorry to see both Grace and Daniel leave. Grace had the “grace” not to comment, as she may be looking for a job, in the future. Daniel, I feel, did what most people do, when the leave a job. He struck back, at his former employer. I have seen this so many times. If the job, was so horrible, why did he not bring up the “equality” problem, in his 7 years? Hate to say it, but I think Daniel may have gotten a swelled head, what with being on Broadway, and now an executive producer.
    I’m sorry for the abuse that Alex has been given. Would you, offer your pay, to a fellow employee, to bring up their salary? I think not. What a silly comment.
    I hope that Grace and Daniel have good health and luck, in their future endeavors.
    For Alex, and the Five O team, I wish good health, and the best ratings ever, and that Five O goes on for many more years.

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    • To be honest, I think Daniel (and Grace) undervalued himself (and their roles) in 2010 when they negotiated contrats for the show. He was part of a lot bigger (main) cast and their perks might not have been so great back then. He was just to glad to find another opportunity for a show in Hawaii and did not really antisipate the success it would be.
      I think nobody knew how much more the two Asian characters will be on the new show than the original ones of the old show. Maybe that was why contracts were not that lucrative.
      For Alex it was easier – it was his 3rd time as lead actor on a CBS show. And as far as I know he already had backend privileges for Moonlight. He must have had somebody giving him very good advice back then already – or just good agents.
      And maybe because of the original contracts, they might have not been able to address the equility problem before the 7 years were up – and that would have been really bad if they were so tied down with the original contracts, that they could not make claims earlier.
      But please, take into account that all that I have said are pure speculations on mere thoughts of what might have been some of the history that I talked about in the post, that couls not be rewritten.


    • DoubleL

      I agree with you Sue. IMO, DDK’s statement on his exit was bizarre. In the first part of it, he lavished the network, the show, the cast, and the crew with praise; and then he just couldn’t resist a cryptic backhanded dis at the end! It makes the whole statement seem disingenuous. So, which is it? His statement forced the network and the showrunner to defend themselves against a vague claim. This sort of ambiguous accusation means you can’t give a specific defense since you don’t even know what you are being accused of.

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  15. cwtshjan

    I haven’t commented for ages but still visit every day. RL has changed my ability to be so active online. But your eloquent summing up of this situation made me want to say how much I agree with everything you’ve written. We obviously think very similar thoughts. Hope we real Alex fans can enjoy S8 and then look fwd to whatever comes next. Hopefully Alex will move onward and upward.

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  16. VERY WELL SPOKEN!!!!!!

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  17. I find it difficult for me to comment negatively on discrimination no matter what type it is. I’m not of Asian descent, but I am female and I have felt discrimination because of my gender in my life and I know the other gender didn’t always understand why I felt the way that I did; so for that reason I will not comment on that aspect of this decision by DDK & Grace, it’s theirs and they made it, they will live with it. But what I will comment on is that we as fans, tend to forget the business aspect of what we love, whether it’s an actor like Alex or a series like H5-0. All of the items you listed FOYeur are absolutely true. Thank you for your logic in what has turned into a bit of a mess, IMO. To those supposed ‘fans’ that are talking of boycotting the show, go ahead, if you’re really missed, I’d be surprised. Will H5-0 suffer a ratings loss? Probably, but it’s in it’s 8 season, so it’s to be expected with or without them. I don’t understand the hatred I’ve seen directed at Peter for DDK & Grace’s decision! They had a choice, they made it! Peter would have been in their corner, he hired them, he wouldn’t have wanted to lose them. As for those who think Alex should have done something I think you are delusional. And lastly, thanks Paula for convincing FOYeur to allow comments.

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  18. I agree with Janno. I don’t believe it is up to Peter or Alex to negotiate on behalf of DDK & GP. As Foyeur stated they have managers to do that for them. From what I know they negotiate with the network, whether Peter Lenkov is a part of that I don’t know.

    I don’t know if the pay issue is because they’re Asian or if it is something else altogether. How many times have we seen actors (maybe co-stars) try to get the same pay as the lead. Look at “Friends” they all wanted the same rate of pay; what about other actors that didn’t get their pay increase (i.e. Jorja Fox and George Eads from CSI) they were let go….sometimes greed can also be an ugly mistress….we may never know the real reason but I do wish them luck and I look forward to seeing what Season 8 has in store for us.

    Liked by 6 people

    • dq

      I personally don’t know of anyone that would take a pay cut just because their co-workers were not getting a raise. All of the actors involved have agents that negotiate the best deal possible for their client. Don’t all actors belong to a union? SAG? On top of their own agents? Also, I think a lot of people are mistaking the “ohana” from the show into the real lives of these actors. You know “one for all and one for all”. Now please, I don’t mean that they are not close and friendly with their fellow cast mates, but they are all independent people with their own families and responsibilities. Sooner or later, hopefully later, the show will end, and they will all go on to other things. That’s the way it is in real life. Why should show business be any different.

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  19. We certainly are a passionate bunch of fans for sure. I know that I commented online to just “pay them”. I in no way thought that should take away salary from Alex. It should be CBS that comes to the plate to keep a cast together. I think I am seeing a few cast members leaving shows on CBS and my opinion is that Big Bang set a precedence that CBS is trying to avoid. They don’t want to be held hostage to determine what an actor’s salary should or should not be. They have the right to determine that as painful as it can be to us passionate fans.

    The show being filmed in Hawaii has added to the changes in cast, I’m sure. You can’t just get someone to pop in as needed. We just feel a lot of loss for actors we really like. In the end, I doubt the show will lose too many fans despite the comments made in the heat of the moment but what do I know? I’ll be there on Friday nights until the end.

    Thanks for your words of wisdom. 🤙

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, and added factor that people to do not realise. is that with sitcoms, the salaries of the cast are the biggest componant – they do not have stunt teams and extras and outside units etc.
      Action shows have such a lot more factors to take into account than sitcoms.

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  20. Lulu

    I just want to say that salary negotiations and people leaving shows because they don’t get the salary they want is an on-going situation in businesses. I wish DDK and Grace good luck in their future endeavors. Hawaii 5-0 has given many locals the chance to have a part in one or more episodes and hopefully, helped start their acting careers. I will continue to watch the show because of my love for Alex. Best wishes to Alex and Scott!

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  21. vanduyn

    Excellent post FOYuer!! I think this says it simply and precisely: To expect anyone apart from yourself and your agent to negotiate on behalf of your contract with a network, is ludicrous and ridiculous. If such things happen, it is out of the norm.
    Great job as usual 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Is Alex GP & DDK’s employer?No.Ergo it’s not for him even to discuss their salaries.Hope Alex doesn’t get hurt in any way by their leaving.

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  23. And FOYeur, thanks for the post. A thoughtful analysis indeed and as always very respectful, which is why I follow you and Paula.

    Liked by 3 people

  24. Thank you for this great post. Glad you decided to address the issue. I stayed mostly out of it after seeing some of the most ridiculous comments ever. I wonder in what world some people live.
    For me, it’s rather simple. DDK and GP negotiated and decided not to take the offered deal, for whatever reason. End of story.
    It’s their right, it’s also the right of the network not to fulfill their wishes. The hype about it got totally out of hand. And some people should be ashamed of the nonsense they spewed all over the place.
    I simply want to thank DDK and GP for seven great years, and wish them luck with their future projects.
    Other than that I hope for a great season 8.

    Liked by 5 people

  25. Why DDK said what he did, when he did, we will never know. Where he can speak for himself, I’ve seen nothing from Grace agreeing or disagreeing with the equity of their salaries. In reports I have read, DDK and Grace were offered more but it seems the backend profits paid to Alex was a sticking point. Does the star deserve more YES, do supporting actors deserve a good salary YES. I don’t know what DDK or Grace made, but it would surprise me if they made an equal amount. PL in one interview said Grace wanted more time with her family and it was possible for a guest spot, I would love this. What I wondered also was Lost was on for 6 seasons and I doubt if all the cast was making the same amount. Will I miss them, of course I will.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Cassandra

    Thanks FOYeur for your powerful post! It’s good to hear your words so well stated. I have seen other posts on the subject elsewhere and it is appalling to see and read!

    No one truly knows what the full truth of what occurred with DDK and GP is except those involved, and the public will only know what they want us to know. People can accuse and speculate until the cows come home!!! At the end of the day it is a done deal and the show will go on!!!! As long as it does I’m with it till the end and esp for AOL!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  27. Ally

    There’s a post on a Tumbler account in regards to some of what’s happened and although I don’t agree with some of the sarcasm, they mentioned a few things that I noticed in the past couple of months. I will say of the post that I do like the fact that DDK is now a businessman and EP so there might be other things playing into this. I also appreciate the fact that after working on H50 for 7 years who better for him to learn from than PL. I’m happy for his new endeavors and I know GP has her own fan base as well. I think they will succeed in whatever the want to accomplish as well as the remaining cast of H50. Good luck to them all!

    Liked by 2 people

  28. Dawn

    Two thumbs up on your post. People can claim all they want that it was about race, but let’s face it: it was about the money. I shall miss them both but here’s hoping for some interesting characters and stories.


  29. lindae5o

    Thank you for your post, Foyeur. I think Grace and Daniel were planning on leaving the show anyway, but made a failed attempt to negotiate a salary increase, that didn’t work out. They made their choice. I wish them well.
    When I read that Alex has been criticized for not helping them, I was beyond angry. I’m SO glad I don’t do social media.
    Based on Alex’s importance to HF-0, and his dedication, he deserves every dollar he gets. It’s mind-boggling to have some people suggest he should give up some of his salary to help keep two cast members.
    Whatever happens in Season 8, let the chips fall where they may. If the show ends, (I hope it does, for Alex’s sake) so be it. Two American/Canadian cast members, of Korean descent, are seen as the closest links to Hawaiian culture on this show, of the four main characters anyway. Who knows how their absence will affect viewership.
    I hope Peter Lenkov will use this situation as a learning experience, to try and make the next season work somehow, but I don’t see him as that perceptive. I’m thinking his grand view of HF-O’s timeline, did not include the loss of two vital cast members.
    Hang in there, Alex !!


    • gracenotpark

      Agreed. I wish the cuzzes well, and Show will miss them for sure, but the implication they (or Scott, for that matter) worked as long and hard as Alex is just annoying. Alex has been the lead for 7 years, #1 on the call sheet. And he’s taken the responsibility seriously. The fact folks who don’t even watch Show have called him out as a racist, and merely one of four, irks me. I gotta think DDK and Grace even recognize his commitment, time, and efforts on set. Did he even know about the dealmaking going on? If he did, why should he give up his money? CBS has plenty and they’re his boss. He’s the one getting stem cell treatment out of those 4. He works the hardest.

      This is not an either/or situation. And it’s complicated, and different folks will have different POVs. I respect that. But this is also not an issue of national security. I cannot carry it around with me every day. I’m moving on with y’all…

      Liked by 3 people

  30. I’m thinking his grand view of HF-O’s timeline, did not include the loss of two vital cast members. <<<< I think the ship for that 'grand view' has sailed a LONG time ago. I think he has been shooting it from the hip for 6 & 1/2 seasons already.
    Maybe the loss of those main cast members will get his creative juices flowing with something new and exciting. (a girl can always hope)

    Liked by 2 people

  31. Leah

    Thank you, FOYeur, for the great post. Well said, and I agree with practically everything you said. We do not know what exactly is going on in DDK’s & GP’s real lives, nor should we. People should not be so quick to judge what they themselves are not living. I do wish them both the best and appreciate their 7 years of dedication to the show. Truly hope Alex and the others fare well in the upcoming season. Definitely understand your hesitance to allow comments, but glad you did. 🙂 Thank you!


  32. mamayorkie

    It is true that a lot of the more hurtful comments come from people who really do not watch this show on a regular basis and know very little about the individual actors and the work they have done elsewhere.

    I have read that since DDK was on Lost (ensemble cast) and GP was on Battlestar Gallactica, (also ensemble cast) they were the more experienced and important members of the H50 cast. They either forget or perhaps do not know that AOL had a career in Australia with roles in Mary Bryant and the Oyster Farmer, And he also starred in The Back Up Plan with Jennifer Lopez, and had a recurring role in S6 of The Shield. In my opinion, he did his finest work as Vincent in Criminal Minds. He was cast in fan favorite Moonlight which was cancelled due to a writers strike. He also starred in two other series which CBS did not renew. He was never part of an ensemble cast- he was always the lead. There are many other examples which I have not mentioned.

    I have no idea what people expected AOL to do about the contract negotiations for DDK and GP. He had already signed on for S 7& 8 last year. He had no leverage. Did people think he would just break his contract and go on strike in support? He has a family and his own career to think about. He may be sad to see them go, as most of us are, but to hurl hate and insults at him as an actor for something not of his making is really sad. I wish that DDK and GP had made a push for what they wanted earlier when the show was new and fresh. They might have succeeded and we would not be having this conversation.

    Now all I see is another ugly split in the fandom. By now people have made up their minds how they feel about this and it seems unlikely anyone will change positions since everyone seems to think they are on the side the mighty and the righteous.

    Liked by 1 person

    • DoubleL

      I think a lot of the negativity towards Alex is coming from people who don’t realize what kind of relationship he has with the network. CBS has shown him a tremendous amount of loyalty and he’s obviously a darling of somebody at the top. 1. They gave him a lead in a primetime series 3 times until they and he found one that fit. 2. They gave him the co-star role in the first feature film they ever produced with Jennifer-freaking -Lopez. 3. He did a guest star part in what was one of their most popular shows at the time. 4. They stuck with him during whatever happened in season 2 (they haven’t always done that for others). So if anybody questions where his loyalty might lie, I bet I can make an educated guess. 😉
      Plus, I think some are too young to know anything about the original H50. It was and still is a prestige show for CBS. They took a leap in remaking it in the first place and they took a leap in casting a fairly unknown Australian to play such an iconic role. If some people watched it only for Chin and Kono, that’s fine; but they were not and are not the lead characters. I wonder what show these people are watching? As for the ratings for season 8, they may tick up a little because ABC is moving Shark Tank to another night.


  33. Helma

    So well said. I feel sad that Daniel & Grace left, won’t judge their decision. In “normal” life people do change jobs too for whatever reason there is.
    Hope Alex and the others will still have lots of success, they are all hard working people and they deserve it !!! Being a big Alex fan I am hoping for the best 😊 and looking forward to another season !!!
    Also hoping that all the negative posts will finally stop, let just enjoy this good show, the beautiful scenery and appreciate all the hard work from the people involved.

    Liked by 2 people

  34. Sue

    Thanks DoubleL for agreeing with me. I still can’t figure out what was Daniel’s problem. As I said before, if he was so unhappy with not being treated “equal”, why did he work on the series for seven years? I still feel Daniel has let Broadway and his new producing job, blow up his ego.
    Daniel’s exit statement was full of praise for all, and then, at the end, he stabs them. If he has a beef with CBS, he should take it out on them, and not Five-O.
    Maybe CBS declined to host his new show, as it is going to be on another network. Therefore, Daniel is ticked off at them. Let’s see how many nationalities he has, on this new show.
    Sorry, again, for the abuse that Alex is getting. Also, sure missed seeing the Blessing this year. A year, when we certainly needed a “Blessing”.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. karen

    I don’t think Daniel and Grace’s departure had anything to do with race, but rather the fact that they are (and always have been) considered supporting cast. I’m a little disappointed in Daniel’s comment. And I am extremely surprised that Grace stayed as long as she did anyway. I never expected H50 to survive past next season anyway, so I’m okay with the changes. I haven’t read any comments, but it looks like hate is being spouted toward Alex. Totally baffled by that. But I would imagine Alex doesn’t read or care about these hateful comments.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Lulu

    I have to defend my man, Alex. How can anyone say he should give some of his pay to DDK and Grace? This man plays the lead character and has done many more action scenes and stunts than anyone else on this show. And, whoever said DDK and Grace have more experience than Alex does not know the whole story. Alex has been working for CBS for years, first with Moonlight, then Three Rivers. He has been in movies, i.e. Oyster Farmer, The Backup Plan. No one should be bad mouthing Alex. He had nothing to do with the salary negotiations. I support & love you, Alex

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dq

      Alright now. Alex is getting shade because some people think that he should give up some of his pay so GP and DDK can get equal? How would that work? I read somewhere that Alex is making $200,000 per episode and the raises offered to the others would have bumped them up to a mere $195,000? But wouldn’t Alex have to give up $5000 to DDK and $5000 to GP? Then, they would be making $200,000 and Alex, after taking the hit would be making only 190,000. The only way for them to make an equal amount would be for CBS to pony up more money. They simply don’t want to do that. End of story. Some times you roll the dice and lose.


  37. Jean

    Although I am not a fan of the new five o, the comments are valid and well put, I just wished you were around to write something like this for jack Lord and the original five o. Instead all the criticism and slagging off about Jack, being an acttor is like being a politician, they are open to all sorts of verbal abuse which an ordinary member of the public would not have to put up with, it’s not about the one person up front like you say, there are hundreds of people behind the cameras. I soppose the reason they don’t pay much to extras is that the extras are only too glad to be in a tv show and woukd probably work for nothing. Thank you for this article.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. A pity Alex doesn’t read us. If he feels ill-treated, to see how much unconditional love and respect he can raise would comfort him.


  39. Ashley

    I believe you are quite removed from what the issue really is with CBS and the show in regards to race and gender. CBS is notorious for unequal pay standards and casting. Maybe you’re wearing rose-colored glasses when it comes to Alex and his career. You’ve put him on a pedestal, and this post makes it seem you are lashing out at DDK and GP for making a well intentioned and deserved stance on what they think they are worth. They are setting a precedent that is the first step in a long battle for all. Regardless of how you meant this post to sound, it definitely sounds bitter toward the two actors and how this affects Alex first and foremost, which is quite irrelevant.
    I usually enjoy reading your Alex-obsessed musings, but I think this one has gone a little over the edge and is more of a tunnel vision immature view on the real issues happening in Hollywood. It’s a pop idol obsessed culture we live in where are muses can do no wrong. This is not about Alex or the show, this is about 2 people who worked damn hard for 7 years and wanted the same respect their white coworkers had, and in Hollywood that unfortunately means money.


    • Hi Ashley
      “but I think this one has gone a little over the edge and is more of a tunnel vision immature view on the real issues happening in Hollywood”. =This gave me a good laugh – thank you.
      Contrary to what you think, I know exactly what the issues are.
      What my post is all about, is definitely not putting Alex on any pedestal – LOL
      I guess you are quite young still. If you have been around in the world, you will know that what I implied, was that you have to choose your battles well, and that you should not to get so set on the cause that you sacrifice the best cards you have. And that you can actually loose out on all that you have gained thus far, by doing something that look like you are doing it actually just for yourself and your own pocket.
      I will not get into a debate with you about this, because I guess that would really be a waste of my presious time. What I am writing further is actually more to the benefit of others that might have seen what you wrote.
      Not that I said anything about Grace fighting any causes, because there are no real evidence of any of that in any of the reports.
      But If Grace wanted to make a stand for women, she could have done it a long time ago by standing up for the rest of the sisters who have not been treated very nicely by any of the stories on the show. And if you really want to fight a cause for equality as a women and you really mean it, you do not say let me work less but pay me more. You roll up your sleeves and say write me bigger and better stories and make my work equal to the men and then pay me what you pay them. I deserve to work just as hard as them and get paid just as much as them.
      And if Daniel really wanted to make a stand for Asians for better roles, he could have sourced and pitched a great story to CBS with Asians as the main characters (or even to any other network)
      Or even asked for a spin-off where he is the main character. And he could work as the main character and get paid the main character’s salary.
      Not saying that is what it is, but from where I stand, I can only see that he only stand a chance to piss off some real key players in the industry and by doing that he is doing his cause no favours at all.

      If he really wanted to make a difference, he could do it from a point of strength on the inside. He could fight for better and more key roles for either Asians or true Hawaiian on the show. He could fight for the cause on the show, where he is a main role player – and not now maybe look like a spoilt rich brat who did not get the toy he wanted. If he just left and said that he was moving on to so something better to enhance his career, that would have been great. By all means go and do something better! I would have loved Alex to go and do someting better as well. But there are no guarantees in this industry – THAT was the main point I wanted to make in this article. Those points I was trying to make, which clearly went right over your head.
      If you want equality, work cleverly for it, or work with a goal towards it, but do not try to fight for it by potentially hurting yourself …….

      I will repeat these words that I used earlier:
      ‘choose your battles well’
      – But I guess that by coming here and saying what you said to me, it showed that you have no clue of what that actually means at all ……. And I rest my case 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • mamayorkie

        Foyeur: I think everyone knows I don’t have a like button but I do like what you have said.

        Ashley: I love reading other people’s opinions because I learn from them. Sometimes I change my mind and sometimes I don’t. Daniel chose his path and if there is blow back then he must deal with that.

        We are all guests here. We do not own or maintain this blog. Just pretend you are in someone’s kitchen. Please don’t spit on their floor.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ashley

        We agree to disagree on this matter whole-heartedly. This is your blog, and you run your opinion as you see fit. But maybe in the future you can still worship Alex without tearing down others without justifiable cause or some hard facts behind it.

        But calling me young? Oh, honey no. That is a knee-jerk response aimed at attacking and alienating yet another group which is what you do, I suppose. I just don’t believe in white-knighting a white male who has every opportunity available to him, yet throwing the ‘selfish’ card at 2 individuals who have to struggle for every role they have because of the color of their skin or whether or not they have a vagina. Which is not an insult against Alex or Scott, their decisions or actions should not be judged in regards to the departure of DDK & GP, but stating things like DDK should “fight from within” and “fight for better roles” is such an ignorant statement. They can’t even get in doors that would be open to Alex or Scott just because of the color of their skin. “Fighting from within” I’m sure works real well for all of the activists fighting for equality. I wonder if you proudly advocate “All Lives Matter” too. This could have been a very unbiased post about Alex and the show, but instead you’ve chosen to make it an attack on DDK and GP. Using a sentence like “a spoilt rich brat who did not get the toy he wanted” in your comment to me when describing how DDK could be perceived, clearly demonstrates what this post was really all about and what you really think of their departure and how it affects you and your love/obsession for Alex.

        Some Facts to Back Up My Stance on DDK:
        He has pitched shows and always fights for better Asian roles, as do many other Asian-Americans. If you knew anything about DDK you would know where he stands on this issue. He advocates a lot and a quick google search would prove that.


        • I do not really believe in the term agree to disagree. But I will leave it at that.
          You can believe what you want to believe of what you are reading of what I am saying.
          I really don’t care about what you think I am writing at all, or why you would want to come here at all if this is such a ‘bad’ place of Alex worship and obsession. 😀
          Of course we are just some silly fangirls here and are really of no big importance in the world of entertainment or the media – why worry or bother to comment on what I write or say at at all? Not sure what you want to achieve with it? (PS. the questions are rhetorical)


        • Ally

          I think everyone that comes to this board and posts regularly can agree that this site is specifically dedicated to Alex and all the characters he’s played. I’ve never seen anyone on here discount DDK or his performances. They’ve been quite positive about them and about him. There are many minority groups in Hollywood that are overlooked. Some minorities, like Tyler Perry, were able to produce plays in the South that gained him wide recognition and gave minorities visibility. Today Tyler is a businessman that owns a production company and has created many movies and shows. Now that Daniel has his own business and production company I hope he can accomplish the same. He mentioned in his post that this winter he is co-Executive Producer of a new show on ABC titled “The Good Doctor”. This show is based on a South Korean series of the same title. It’s starring the critically acclaimed Freddie Highmore in the lead role and his supporting cast. Freddie has his own fan base from A&E’s Bates Motel so I’m sure the show will do well. We can be as angry as we want about unfair treatment of minorities in Hollywood, but he’s now in a position to create shows that showcases and creates stars, bringing him more power in Hollywood and perhaps making him the next Tyler Perry or Oprah Winfrey. Basically, what I’m trying to convey is that the best way to show our support as fans for DDK is to support his new shows and productions earning him a greater standing in Hollywood, which will lead to more recognition for the Asian acting population.


  40. Reblogged this on alex the manDeniseolo's Blog and commented:
    Good by daniele and grace we will miss you


  41. mamayorkie

    The only thing I am sure of is that we don’t know the whole story of what really went down here and how long it was going on before
    the official announcement was made. The facts may be different from the speculation.

    And I agree with Foyeur. I don’t believe PL is happy about losing two original cast members or the bad publicity for the show but I do hope it is an incentive for the writers to give us better scripts, more interesting characters and less (no more) silly banter between the remaining two original cast members. It is time for them to step up to the plate and hit a home run and not strike out.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ally

      Mamayorkie, you’re right. Thank you! Life’s too short to waste on anger and bitterness over something we have no firsthand knowledge of. Like you and FOYeur stated, PL couldn’t be happy about this, but he doesn’t write the contracts or paychecks. He has his own contractual obligations to meet. Like you, I hope that this inspires PL’s writing for this season and perhaps they’ll lighten up on the arguing, giving us a little more of what is was like the first 2 seasons.

      Liked by 1 person

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