#H50 – Looking for more ……

Over the years we have heard so many times in interviews that Hawaii Five-0 is a different kind of cop show because of its back stories and story arcs for the characters, that makes it so much better to watch. How real are they? Is this true?

In the past I have done a few posts in which I ask what happened to specific stories and arcs that were supposedly going to be explained or addressed or ended etc. Also kept asking why it takes such a long time to address some of these stories again – by which time viewers have lost interest in the story already?

Last week we discussed some of it on another site and we thought it might be a good idea to see what others would have liked to see answered or wondered about in the show. At first I thought to write all my old questions about dropped stories again, but I decided to just leave it blank and see if some of you have things you feel the show could have done or elaborated on.

If there are some interesting stuff mentioned, I can make a summary of it all in a post later on. Maybe we can even get the Koala Smartass to respond to some of it. What do you think?

koala love gif

How do you feel? Are there a specific story that you feel they just dropped without explanation? What about characters? Anything that disappointed you about the show over the years?

koala in a tree gif

I added a few pictures and will mention some questions of my own just to get the ball rolling and remind you of some examples of what you might want to ask

  1. What is keeping  Steve’s good friend Ellie so busy that we never see or hear from her? ( PS – I had to tie the Koala Smartass down, because it just wanted to jump in here to answer. It is so obvious it said)
  2. What happened to Uncle Leonard’s box that he left with Steve when he and Aunt Deb got married?
  3. Why was (or still is) WoFat’s father so important/dangerous that he needed to be assassinated back then, when Doris failed to do it 40 years ago? And then kept prisoner for all those years after?
  4. What happened to the Zombie Jack Lord character retired cop that Steve met in the chapel in 7:01? Why is he not seen at the Ohana gatherings or card games since then? He looked so much like Ohana to me. 😀

As you can see there are some (well most or maybe all) tongue in the cheek ones there – remember this is all fictional and will not affect world peace at all. Well, hopefully not.

Let’s try to have some fun with this one …….

(And don’t be scared, nobody here will think you are complaining too much or spreading hate towards the show – well that is unless you actually do hate an actor character that much, that you keep harassing tweeting and shouting commenting to others and the producers on social media about how bad she is they are, even before she they appear on screen once in a while. 😀 )



Filed under Alex O´Loughlin, Hawaii Five-0, Steve McGarrett

70 responses to “#H50 – Looking for more ……

  1. I will think about it.
    But first thing that comes to my mind is:
    STEVE’S GUITAR!!!!!!!
    Seems like he plays his gituar like he changes his shirts. In private.
    And of course the champ box. I thought it had way more secrets.
    Leonard’s box.
    Where’s Mary? And Joan?
    What’s in Doris’ diary?
    I need real closure on Doris and Catch.
    What happened to Steve’s ocean? Does he still go swimming? If yes, why without me?
    I want to know what has been on the micro fiche Doris needed so badly.
    What happened to Steve’s magic skills? More please.
    Did Steve ever got to know his grandma?
    I think about more….

    Liked by 5 people

    • Kathysr

      LeiCa, I love your list! I’ve always wanted to see Steve play his guitar. That was a huge moment when Danny gave him the guitar. l miss Mary and her daughter, the only biological family Steve has left. As your list clearly shows, there are so many tantalizing clues, threads, mysteries, leads, characters and plot lines that go 100% unanswered on this show. Your list could be the basis for an entire season of really great shows.

      The one that utterly, totally and completely blows my mind THIS SEASON is the fact that we don’t know what happened with Alicia Brown and Madison Grey. They confronted each other. Alicia held a gun on Madison. Madison taunted Alison to kill her. Fade to black. Sound of a gunshot. End of episode. And the answer? One throw-away line on the March 10, 2017 cross-over episode of MacGyver: “She’s dead.” That’s IT!

      We don’t know what happened. Did Alicia cold bloodedly kill Madison, point blank? Did Madison reach for the gun and it went off? Did Steve come back and shoot Madison? Has Alicia been arrested for murder? Will Alicia stand trial? Or was the death considered self defense, although Madison didn’t have a weapon?

      These were two of my favorite episodes this season. On Peter’s Twitter, in answer to a fan’s question on when we’ll see more Madison, he just said, “She’s dead.” In two little words, he utterly destroyed the mystery of the fate of his own masterly created villain.

      Wonder if we’ll ever see Alicia again. Maybe then she can tell Steve (and us) what happened.

      Liked by 3 people

      • The way they handled the Grey/Brown storyline makes me really angry. It is utterly respectless towards the H50 audience.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Kathysr

          It makes me angry, too. It’s a HUGE disappointment. When I heard how it was(n’t) resolved, I felt just deflated. I couldn’t believe that the show would trash one of its best storylines ever. I was fascinated by the mystery of the storyline and by the excellent actors. The writers should have given us one or two more episodes to actually resolve the mystery. In the early years of 5-O, the writers would have turned this into an arc.

          The difference in writing from the early years to now is stunning. I just binge watched the entire series a few months ago, so the early years are very fresh in my mind. I think all the great writers from years 1-4 have moved on to new projects. I really do feel that the show now has a group of very young writers (think 20’s) who’ve grown up in a world of 10-30 second sound bytes, instant gratification, and they don’t have the mental or emotional life experience to be able to explore ideas in any depth. I can see them working together and just laughing their heads off at the funny dialogue they write for Danny and Steve. Almost like they’re trying to one up each other.

          So, I predict we get a final year of similar storylines.

          Liked by 1 person

          • gracenotpark

            Totally agree. The writing has cratered. Characters behaving OOC for a cheap laugh or to influence a plot point is the new normal. 🙄

            Liked by 1 person

  2. mamayorkie

    How did Joe White know Doris was still alive? Did he tell John McG? When will he get around to telling Steve?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. evowoman88

    I really wanted a arc to handle McG’s PTSD issues.
    Better handling of transplant health issues.
    But it’s H50. Sit back, enjoy, don’t think that hard and enjoy the eye candy.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I still want to know what Gov. Jameson, Wo Fat and Papa McG were talking about in her office way back in 2.1 Show is so much better when it sticks to the McG mythology.
    Also the master baiter hasn’t baited about Cath lately, He needs to get on that! Stir things up a bit! Or better yet, just get on with that story too! He’s said it’s not dead.

    Liked by 8 people

    • Yes, they (WoFat and John) were kind of shaking hands and it looked like they were making a deal of some sorts. And together with that, why did WoFat tell Steve that he might not like what he find in his family’s past. Only family of Steve WoFat knew that he knew at that stage, was John. Was WoFat just talking BS or was John doing something “undercover” to bait WoFat and the Gov.
      From reading between the lines in old interviews, it is clear that a LOT of the McG mythology landed on the writers’ room floor and did not even make it to shooting.
      I have some sort of feeling that we might get a BIG Cath surprise somewhere in one of the last two episodes of this season – but that is just a feeling, without any evidence to back it up.

      Liked by 5 people

  5. Lynne

    I love Ellie. Strong, intelligent, professional women ( we know her back story). She is the female match for Steve. Lynne, brutal and I will not go down the other path. We need more Ellie. Where is Joe White? Really intrigued by the Joe White Doris connection. Honestly, for a time I thought Joe was Steve’s father. I don’t really care about Mary, in my humble opinion she adds nothing to the the show. . What about Freddie’s wife and daughter….How are they doing, Steve have any contact with them? And yes, the guitar……We never see friends from the academy or the SEALS ( oh sorry we did, they are dead). Although he is committed to his co-workers, ohana, is always doing for others….Within this small,tight circle. Does he have any other outside interests? What about the autistic fellow, (joel- I might have name wrong):Steve was so kind and tolerant with him. How about the kid in a Christmas episode, lived with his dad , Steve said he would help this kid out when he was older…Must be in high school now, and speaking of that—- Nahali!?!? Where is the continued story- he was at the hospital on that fateful night ( not Lynne or Amber/ Melissa). As an avid , invested viewer, I feel taunted and disappointed. I watch because I love Alex in this role and yes for the most part love the dynamics of the show. But writers….Come on.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Kathysr

      I really like Ellie, too, and I saw a genuine spark there between the characters. Steve was intrigued. But it was also when he was still “with” Catherine, and Steve is an honorable guy. So he didn’t go there.

      lol, since we know nothing, we’re free to go anywhere, right? What if Joe and Doris had an affair, long ago and far away? She sure wasn’t with John. She was “dead” to everyone. I’m just sayin’, maybe that’s how Joe knew where she was and kept track of her all those years!

      It’s a blank slate, everyone. We can create any storyline we want, since the writers drop the ball on everything. I kinda like my storyline!


    • Carol A Roscoe

      Yeah that kid should be 17 or 18 now. I bet he still has the phone Steve gave him.


  6. kristenerrera

    Agree on the Ellie comment. I would love to see her as his love interest in Season 8 or bring back Lori Weston. I know a lot of people hated her but I thought they had a connection:)


    • mamayorkie

      The major problem that the McEllie ship had ( and I did like her, though not nearly as much as I love Cath) is the same thing that went wrong with the McLynn ship. Alex is good friends from way back with these two actresses and it showed enough to to prevent any romantic chemistry on the screen. Sort of like trying to act a love scene with your brother. As for Lori Weston, she could have been a great character had they made her independent as they led us to believe and not reduced her to a puddle at McG’s feet. We were told she was a profiler and a great field agent but all we saw was her make goo goo eyes at Steve (and she does have the most beautiful eyes) and need to be rescued. I also liked Jenna Kaye but they decided to make her a traitor and kill her off. Funny thing is that Abby was a traitor for trying to take down the Task force but she was rewarded with a badge. Oh, I know she came clean to Chin about what she was doing but she slept with him BEFORE she told him. She got religion a little bit too late for me.

      And that brings me to another question I would like answered. What is the body count of discarded female characters who have been vilified, killed or fallen into the abyss? Leilani and Gabby come to mind as missing persons.

      Liked by 3 people

  7. What I was always wondering about, where are Steve’s childhood friends, his schoolmates, all the Jenny Feldmans? Where are they? He lived there for 16 years (or 15, show’s not so sure), all the cheerleaders who fell head over heals for the quarterback why don’t they stand in line with homemade cookies at his doorstep? Totally unrealistic if you ask me!

    Liked by 5 people

  8. Mr. Mike

    I think the question should be: are these disappearing/reoccurring character and story arcs typical of dramatic cop/investigative/etc. TV shows on “regular TV” (as opposed to premium high-level channels) these days? I don’t watch much TV other than Five-Zero (really), so I am not a person to ask about this.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The main thing for me is as I said in the intro, they kept telling us in those early interviews that that was what made this show so different and great – All the character stuff and personal stories around them.


    • DoubleL

      I think current TV is suffering from too much opportunity for actors. I know that sounds stupid, but there is so much scripted TV being produced across so many platforms that actors don’t have to stay in supporting roles for very long. The get offered a bigger part in some other show and they take it, leaving the writers and producers scrambling to explain an exit and sometimes they just don’t. 15 years ago, no one would have ever believed how many scripted shows (over 400 currently in production in the US) are available now, remember crap like “Fear Factor”?


      • Ally

        I think some of the “Fear Factor” and reality crap came from that writer’s strike a few years ago. However now that Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, YouTube, and Cable are producing shows there’s a lot of competition.


      • Kathysr

        Good point, DoubleL. So many of the actors I love have been cast in other TV shows. I love the actress who plays Grover’s wife. She’s on another show. Abby’s on another show. Where’s Grover’s teenage daughter? Oh yeah, she’s off to college, so she’s gone. Grover’s now reduced to making breakfast for his son in the kitchen. I really love the Grover family unit. We’re missing two people now. I love Rachel. Really hard to get her on the show. Even Teilor Grubbs has moved to Hollywood, busy auditioning. Maybe this is why a lot of our favorite characters and storylines disappear.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yes, the location of Hawaii makes it difficult to get these recurring characters there. But I really feel that if you know the restrictions of your show, adapt to it and plan better.
          Many of the actresses got pregnant while they were kind of part of the show – Like we now have with Sarah Carter who plays Lynn. I guess that can’t really be planned for.


          • Dq

            Ohh… Maybe the writers will write her pregnacny into the storyline. That would be something. Cath coming back to find Steve a daddy. You know how the saying goes. “You snooze, you lose”.


            • mamayorkie

              This is what PL has to say about that. ” I don’t know if Lynn is somebody that Steve can spend the rest of his life with. She definitely was a good person to spend time with. I don’t want to give away too much, but I don’t think Lynn is in the future.”
              I think he’s bringing Cath back for that.


  9. Lulu

    I have been waiting to talk about this subject! I never liked it when characters just disappeared, ie, Leilani, Alicia, without any explanation. It would only take one sentence to explain their absence. I thought Catherine was a good match for Steve, but she broke his heart at least 3 times. She’s too much like his mother! And talk about Doris! She loves her job more than her family. Why is WoFat’s father such a threat that they had to keep him locked away for so long? Where were Lynne & Melissa when Steve and Danny were in the hospital? That really needs to be explained. Come on, the men you love had major surgery and you don’t visit them. Big flaw in the story line. As a retired nurse, I was so disappointed that they had Steve’s liver on the left side of his body. Don’t they have medical consultants when they do something like that? I’d be willing to come out of retirement and help them!

    Thank you for letting me vent! I truly hope Steve finds love in Season 8!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Carol A Roscoe

    I have questions: How is Catherine still working for the CIA when she helped get Doris and Wo Fat’s father out of the CIA compound?
    How is Kathy Millwood?
    Did Alicia Brown get arrested for killing Dr. Gray?
    How is Flippa and the new shrimp truck?
    I’m sorry I’m a big McRollins fan I think if Catherine came back Steve and her could have a family and live happily ever after, since Alex is leaving the show that could be a way out without killing him off. I know that Catherine is like Doris but she will realize that she needs someone in her life not just a job and she will steal Steve away from Lynn. His character now tells me that he is more for the cases than have a romantic interest. Steve does need someone everyone else has someone now he does Catherine or not.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Helma

    Some questions to answer: what is more hidden in the champion box, how about dr Grey (is she dead) & Doris & Mary (and her daughter) & does Joe ever return. And how about the story about Wo Fat’s past concerning the relationship with Doris ? So many lines to follow !!! I am curious about other suggestions 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, there are still so many unanswered information about the McGarrett and WoFat family that could be great stories.
      About the Champbox – all in it was actually killed when it was stollen by Adam’s father. Some of it was send back to Steve via Laura Hills, but the bulk of it was lost.


  12. gracenotpark

    These are all excellent questions! I’ve been so disappointed how Show just dropped the Champ box mysteries and convoluted the WoFat/Doris/PapaMcG/PapaFat SL so badly no one has a clue what any of it, as life ruining as it all was, meant. I am furious Show dumped the very real McG PTSD SL, which afforded honor to his SEAL days and gave Alex actual meat to act with, in order to replace it with Clown Counseling w/Danno…tho if any character on Show needs counseling it is certainly Danno.

    My main issue, tho, is why does the EP hate women so much that women are a ridiculously tiny minority of the task force AND the Ohana (women hold up half the sky, dude!), and that he caved to bullying from fans and wrote out the very few women he has featured, when by contrast, if a male actor gets disparaged he rides into TwitterTown like WyattErp with a machine gun. We have 3dozen or more males of various ages, shapes, and size doing all kinds of things. For women we have a couple very part time gfs, a relative or 2, and a Kono. Uncool in the 21st century. Un. Cool. 😡

    Liked by 4 people

    • Kathysr

      I agree with you, gracenotpark. A few months ago, I binge watched the first six years of Hawaii Five-O on Netflix, two or three times straight through. I don’t remember seeing a suggestion of a PTSD SL. When did that happen? lol, I need to go back and watch. Things are subtle, and I may just have missed it.

      PTSD would be a great storyline and give Alex wonderful acting opportunities. But they’ve been writing Steve as a very mellow fellow the past few years. He’s lost his edge, as all those mysterious storylines about his past have disappeared. That all seemed to happen when he killed Wo Fat.

      Liked by 3 people

      • gracenotpark

        The PTSD SL was in, I think S4. McG had a couple chats with Grover about it. And in one ep, we saw him wake from a fitful sleep in a sweat. And on the DVD there is a deleted scene of McG going to a group therapy with other military vets. Coulda been an awesome story arc for Alex. But they just dropped it…and began S5 with that grossly fatuous couples therapy SL. 🙄

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ally

        I would have loved the PTSD storyline. I guess that’s a little too serious for them to handle for our Super Seal. They seem to forget that he’s a mere mortal man. These guys have issues too. As someone related to a macho Army brat that served in the Gulf war and Afghanistan it happens a lot and it can be frightening. He was one that I thought would never be affected.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Kathysr

          To me, what would be emotionally compelling would be to see Steve react in real-world situations to his PTSD. The group therapy is interesting, but I’d rather see Steve experience a few split-second panic reactions, struggle against paralyzing fear and anxiety when he’s in the middle of a life-threatening situation, and then overcome it and successfully complete his missions, maybe with possible flashbacks to events which triggered the PTSD. It takes us right back to his life-and-death situations. Other shows have done this very effectively. It helps you to emotionally understand the character on the deepest level.

          Didn’t someone comment here that they didn’t think that Alex did a very good job in the group therapy session, that his acting felt forced? I recall someone commenting about that. That must have made Alex feel great. They let him shoot the storyline and then leave it on the cutting room floor. If I were prepping for that scene, I’d attend several real-life vet encounter sessions (if allowed) and absorb what I’m seeing and feeling. Then emotions would flow very organically from real sense memories of those encounters. Given the right preparation and some emotionally supportive direction, Alex would be great. He has to be guided there in stages, and then he’ll just take off, when the moment is emotionally true. It just takes on a life of it’s own and you’re along for the ride.

          Let’s add this to our wish list of great acting opportunities for Steve.


        • kathysr

          Ally, I suspect that most people who see ferocious combat and witness (or commit) horrible atrocities in war suffer from some level of PTSD. You take sweet, moral, loving, innocent young people and program them to kill. Our souls reject that. So, PTSD is very common. It’s hidden, covered up, ignored, belittled and not spoken about. You’re made fun of as a “coward” if you admit to having it. Combat veterans are bullied into silence. Steve’s an incredibly strong man, but he’s endured years of extreme combat, survival, and torture. Of course he has PTSD.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Ally

            So true Kathysr. I’m glad it’s being recognized. Think of all the vets that could have benefitted in the past wars. I like your idea for PTSD and we know he can play it. I remember the end of episode 100 when it was all over and Steve realized everything he had just gone through. That was pure Alex acting and creativity.


  13. karen

    Great ideas and questions. I miss Joe. He was a strong character, and a mentor for Steve. The problem with a lot of characters thru the years is that the actors get other jobs on other shows and they disappear for a while. Like Abby. She’s back cause her job is gone. Maybe I’m prejudiced but no matter what Cath did to hurt Steve they were the perfect match. None of his other possible love matches are doing it for me. Cath is his equal in every way. They belong together. Lots of TV shows drop characters or storylines without much explanation. I know cause I am the queen of cop dramas. And Lori?? Noooooo. I love Lucifer, but Chloe? No.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Carol A Roscoe

      I agree they left things good with each other I thought. She would have to get him to trust her again but I hope so. She is PL end game for Steve. Lynn just doesn’t do it for me they are like brother & sister with each other, especially during the Valentine episode 7.16.

      Liked by 3 people

      • dq

        No… No… Steve can never take Catherine back again. At least not if she is still going to be with the CIA. Like his mother was. OK, I’m going to get graphic here. When Steve had his sit down with Mr. Fat, he reported to Danny that he had said, even though Doris had deceived him, he still loved her. People don’t declare that they love someone that they haven’t “done the deed” with. So, let’s figure that Doris and him were not merely platonic friends. Her assignment was to lure him with her sex and then to kill him. By accident (maybe) she killed his wife. No big deal. She had not met John McGarret yet. Catherine already knows Steve and is in a relationship with
        him. How would that work? She comes home to Steve, tells him that she has screwed some guy and then killed him? What then? She goes and takes a shower and they go out to Rainbows for dinner?! If she’s lucky! Remember, he is notorisely (spelling?) cheap with her. Surely he would not put up with that! Also, I think Lynn is good for Him. I think she “gets” him the same way Melissa “gets” Danny. I think she is independent, athletic and spunky. I think she helps him get his mind off work in a very special, fun way. He deserves to have some fun in his life. Just my opinion.


  14. DoubleL

    I think I have too many to list, but there are two from season 7 that I want to see more of. 1. Alicia Brown/Madison Grey but we may not see Alicia again because Claire Forlani has filmed a pilot for CBS. 2.What was the real reason Doris wanted to break DaddyFat out of CIA holding? And why would Steve go along with that? The DaddyFat story makes no sense at all. The world of fiction seems to want to portray the CIA as evil overlords on the one hand and humble civil servants who sacrifice a normal life to protect western civilization on the other (think Cath & Doris here).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kathysr

      I totally agree, the Doris DaddyFat storyline left me scratching my brain. HUH? She’s doing what? Catherine guilt-tripped Steve into rescuing his crazy mother, he didn’t know that she was going to liberate DaddyFat until she manipulated him into doing that, almost getting them all killed in the process. Were they maybe secret lovers long ago? lol, this Doris broad really got around! Seriously, I can’t remember the storyline at all, my brain just wants to forget it.


  15. Ally

    I hope zombie Jack Lord/Original Steve has disappeared like a lot of the continuity of storylines. Now that was creepy! I wonder what has happened to character continuity. None of the main or recurring characters are acting true to the way they were originally written.

    Liked by 3 people

    • kathysr

      That was someone’s idea (PL?) of a great tribute to Jack Lord. It didn’t go over too well, so I doubt we’ll ever see that again. It was also a chance to give Steve 30 seconds to “deeply ponder his life choices.” I remember Peter’s comments at the end of Season Six. “Season Seven will be a year of soul searching for all the main characters to review their lives and see where they’re at. It will be a year of big changes. (I’m paraphrasing, not his exact words but his ideas.) Um, did that happen?

      I guess it did happen to Danny. And I’m feeling, folks, that Grace Park is leaving the show. The press promos all say that Kono has a life altering experience in the season finale. Maybe we find out that she was sexually molested and she’s never told anyone. She makes a life altering decision. I suspect her character will leave Five-O to work with trafficked, abused and molested women and children. I saw a short blip of her last day of shooting. A crew member is standing in front of her and says, “SERIES wrap!” Uh huh. She’s silent.

      Sigh, the main and recurring characters bear no resemblance to the characters we’ve grown to know and love over the years. I don’t think these writers have ever heard the word “continuity.” I think they’re a group of young kids who have no life experience to draw upon.


    • Of cause I was just joking when I mentioned the Jack Lord thing. The whole thing was creepy. But the real joke is that ANY man (thief, human trafficer and criminal or not) is welcomed into the brotherhood circle and attend the Ohana meetings – but rarely any women there.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ally

        Apparently this is because ALL women lie, deceive, and can’t be trusted. However, if you’re a man and especially if you’re married to a strong woman she’ll be extremely forgiving time after time and it’s okay. You’ll be part of the Ohana no questions asked.

        Liked by 2 people

        • mamayorkie

          I used to have a T shirt that said “Eve was framed”.

          You have no idea how many people asked me if my name was Eve and what I was framed for doing.

          I would say that all women were “Eves” and we were framed as soon as we were born. Lots of blank stares. Writers at H50 would never get this.

          So Very Sad.

          Liked by 3 people

        • Yes, I find it kind of interesting that Adam can keep on lying to Kono time and time again, but she (AND the fans) keep on forgiving him. But any woman who had some reason for lying get crucified – and can never ever be forgiven for that..

          Liked by 1 person

          • gracenotpark

            I find it kinda misogynous. 😉


          • Ally

            I won’t lie I believe that we have to forgive so that we can truly move on and move forward. However, I believe that we never forget. Especially without seeking some kind of therapy. I’m just basing this on friends that have been in long term 10 to 20 year marriages. As soon as they see some kind of change or difference I always here I remember that’s how he/she acted years ago when “fill in the blank” happened. I don’t think any of the relationships on here so far are worth a penny, but that’s based on the way the writers have chosen to write them and PL has chosen to allow it. He ruined my favorite independent woman. That was the major thing I loved about Catherine. He still put her character in a position to shatter glass ceilings in a male dominated profession but he shattered the original sensitivities of the character. Adam was supposed to be the legit son of a gangster trying to make everything clean and look at where he’s at. Melissa and Abby just came on as liars. They didn’t even bother with them. If they can’t make a true honest relationship then I’m ok with just watching another crime drama set on a beautiful island.

            Liked by 1 person

  16. mamayorkie

    Whatever the reason for Zombie Jack Lord to have that talk in the hospital Chapel with Steve, it would have been more effective if Steve was talking to “not really there” Freddy. Maybe he was just longing to to confide in his true brother and it manifested it this way. Steve would really just be talking inside his head and guessing at what Freddiy might say to him. Maybe the “not really there” Freddie would thank him and Cath for bringing his body home to his family. Oh, and remind him that Cath was the real deal.

    Don’t we all long to talk once again with people we have loved and lost, especially when there is stress in our lives?

    PTSD continuity is something the writers dropped the ball on which I wish they would pick up. The mission to recover Freddy’s body was traumatic and could be the catalyst to get him into therapy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Jack Lord thing was an interesting idea for a tribute to the 1st Steve – but poorly executed.
      I think they realised that they will have to think too much when they handle the PTSD stuff. They could not even write something proper about organ donation with the whole liver thing. Can you imagine how they would have bungled up something as serious as the PTSD.
      I for one am actually relieved that they did not continue with it. Sad for Alex not getting a chance at handling it, but maybe better for such a serious matter for many who suffer.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Very well said! It would have been wonderful if it had been Freddie instead of ZJL.
      For me it felt like Steve made someone, anyone up because he desperately needs someone to talk to. Like he made up his Dad in the Hookman episode. And this someone is clearly not Danny.
      Grover was wonderful in the PTSD talk in S4. I miss that!

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  17. Kimphin1


    1) Agree with HeyD – what was Papa mcG doing in his investigation of Jameson and WoFat?
    2) Designing Woman Governor Jameson was a family friend – yet how involved was she in the whole Doris faking death/Hiro Noshimuri yakuza killingher thing
    3) so, why did they think that Kojii Noshimuri killed Doris – and why would the Noshi’s have it out for her? What is their connection to Wo Fat? If Kenjii was suspected of trying to kill Doris – did he know she was CIA, and if so – why did Wo Fat not know if they were in cahoots? Were they in Cahoots?
    4) While we’re on that subject – was Kenjii Noshimuri killed or was his car accident really and accident? Did Steve have anything to do with it? (recall he was unaccounted for during the evening of the accident)
    5) When did Joe know Doris was CIA? He was John’s friend – did he help her fake her death? Did John know Doris was alive? Did Joe keep that info from John?
    6)How did Anton Hesse know the exact moment Steve had his brother? How did he mobilize that mervenary team so fast, plus get to Papa McG’s himself? Wouldn’t it have been better to just warn his brother beforehand?
    7)What happened to Governor Denning? Did he run off and elope with Leilani?
    8) Why isn’t Kamekona afraid of his connection with H50 anymore?
    9) Why is Sang Min out of prison?
    10) Papa McG said he was sorry for lying to Steve – what did he lie about? Did he know about Doris all along?

    I’m exhausted and this is just Season 1,2 questions.

    But sure – show us more HIRSCH

    Liked by 4 people

    • lol, yeah, give us more Hirsch!
      I think I can answer #10. John sent Steve and Mary to the mainland and told them he couldn’t take care of them all on his own. He never told them about the thread, he knew Doris’ death was no accident, Steve thought so. At least I thought so all the time. But maybe I am wrong. I am no brilliant detective, ya know…


    • DoubleL

      “10) Papa McG said he was sorry for lying to Steve – what did he lie about? Did he know about Doris all along?”
      My take on this is that John always knew Doris’ death was no drunk driver accident. Steve came to believe that the car bomb was meant for John and I think that’s what John thought too. Or John thought his wife was killed as revenge for his investigation into WoFat. Anyway, I still think John never knew about Doris’ past or that she was alive.


  18. Dq

    OK, this is really silly, but here it goes. I just watched the TNT rerun of the maniac Grover/Clay episode. There is a scene in the beginning, of the Ohanas surfing. Steve challenges Chin to a race back to the Palace. Then, they all get in their cars and head back. Leaving all the surfboards on the beach. What?! Are surfboards just left on the beach for anybody to use? I’m from NJ and that’s not the way it is here. Stupid writers or what? Also, didn’t like the last pic. Never understood why Steve and Ellie were sparring. Over-the-top way to let the fans know that they were never going to be a love item? Still makes me want to throw up a little in the back of my throat when I see this scene. I don’t believe for one second that Steve would hit a woman in the face. Sister, friend, buddy, pal, whatever. He wouldn’t hit a woman, just like he wouldn’t kick a puppy. Just my opinion.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Lulu

    I also did not like that sparring scene. Dq is so right about Steve would never hit a woman. What was the point of that scene? I would like to see more female writers and producers on this show so we have some fairness concerning women!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Ally

    Lol. I don’t think the actress is interested anyway. They only want to use her as bimbo eye candy. I noticed for the Valentine’s episode Danny’s 20 something gf was in a bikini. It looked like Sara Carter went out of her way to find the most unattractive one piece she could. I can just see her using the new baby as an excuse not to make the flight across the ocean for filming. I think if PL does choose Cath he’ll bring her on towards the very end of the series. I noticed that her guest appearances are short. She had 2 at the end of season 5, 3 in season 6, and so far only 1 this season. Her screen time also seems shorter, but they have so many in the cast I guess that can t be helped.


  21. Sue

    I feel that once Peter Lenkov started to consider MacGyver, that started to change Hawaii 5-0. Once the creator losses interest, you can be sure that the writers start to get the same vibes. Then the actors, start to feel that way. How can you bring back previous actors, when they haven’t been written about, for many shows, or even seasons?
    Alex has signed for next year. What about Scott? Or Daniel? Or any of the other cast members? Scott makes no secret that he dislikes Hawaii, and is only there, for the money that it provides him, to do other projects.
    Hoping that Hawaii Five O continues for many more seasons, but you need to give the present actors something to be challenged by.


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